Moving Forward in 2012
ABOUT US Lock-In Birmingham, Inc. began in 1992 when a group of ministers from Birmingham’s eastern area saw a need for activities for their youth. Our core values are: Service Education Mentoring Fellowship
ABOUT US Lock-In Birmingham, Inc. is a faith based non-profit organization. Our membership is comprised of churches from the greater Birmingham area. Current member churches: Pleasant view Baptist Church, Birmingham Groveland Baptist Church, Woodlawn Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Roebuck Galilee Baptist Church, Fairfield Lily Baptist Church, Brummitt Heights New Community Baptist Church, Birmingham Collaborations: Birmingham City Department of Youth Services Member of the national CARES mentoring network YWCA Y-Achievers Programs Mount Pilgrim District Youth Department—Baptist Church district affiliation
WHO WE SERVE The first lock-in was held in 1992 at Woodlawn High School. Our lock-ins consist of an overnight experience packed with food and fun coupled with presentations and classes from topics relative to the life of 8 to 18 years olds. Topics include drug and sex education, etiquette, self-esteem and self awareness. Today, Lock-In Birmingham, Inc. serves approximately 500 youth per year living in the Greater Birmingham area through a variety of program offerings and activities. Participant Demographics: Average participant age: years old School Affiliations: Birmingham City, Jefferson County, Homewood City and Fairfield City Schools
College Tours for middle and high school youth University of Alabama Auburn University Talladega College Jackson State Miles College Tennessee State University Alabama State University Tuskegee University Jacksonville State University Reality Fairs- demonstrations of real life situations of family and finances
In the past we have taken the children to several different events: The America I Am exhibit in Atlanta The Civil Rights Institute Y.E.S. Ambassadors play—Youth Empowering Self
Community Clean Up Brummit Heights Community Feeding the Homeless Helping Hands Ministry, Boutwell Auditorium Back to school uniform and supplies give away
Lock-In Birmingham, Inc. utilizes volunteers, mentors and our youth to plan and facilitate educational and social activities lead by its current board of directors: 2012 Board of Directors PresidentTommy Johnson Vice-PresidentAlbert Benifield SecretaryShaun Spigner TreasurerClarence Baynes Athletic Programs DirectorMichael Holbdy Program Development Gloria Richardson Vanessa Tolbert Pat Jackson Public Relations Adrianne Marbury Sara Tartt Volunteer Recruitment Catherine Stanley
Tailgating at Legion Field
Washington DC Trip Summer Proposed Calendar January Teen Summit with the Y Achievers for Teens Lock-in ( ages 13 and under) Sunday Skating at Trussville Playstation February Valentine’s Dance at Fair Park Arena March College Tour to Troy University April Picnic and Walk-a-thon at Patton Park May Lock- In at Phillips YMCA (ages ) Sunday Skating at Trussville Playstation JuneLeaders meeting July Trip to Washington D.C. 5th Sunday Skating at Trussville Playstation August Picnic after Dark September Tailgating at UAB football game October Talent and Fashion Show 5th Sunday Skating at Trussville Playstation November Annual Banquet