Welcome to St. Catherine State of the School 2015
The Why In What We Do… Exceptional academic programs that develop exceptional 21 st century learners
The Why In What We Do… Faith filled individuals with the character and moral foundation to become visionary and ethical leaders in our society.
What We’ve Accomplished… Focus On Student Learning: Data Analysis October 2014 IOWA Assessment % Students Scored Above Average (50%) % Students Scored in 75-99% % Students Scored in 50-74% English Language Arts (ELA) 88.7%67.7%21.0% Math73.8%41.8%32.0% Social Studies86.3%54.8%31.5% Science79.9%45.2%34.7%
Focus On Student Learning: Data Analysis Identify students scoring in the bottom quartile In what specific skills is this student struggling? What is currently being done to support the student in this area? What additional support structures can we provide? Develop a plan… Identify students scoring in the upper quartile In what specific skills is this student excelling? What additional challenge opportunities can we provide?
S.M.A.R.T. Goals S = Specific: What skill are we trying to improve? M= Measurable: What assessment will be used to measure the change in student learning? A= Achievable: What amount of growth are we planning to achieve? R= Relevant: What results based teaching strategies will be used? (i.e. best practices) T= Timely: When will we collect evidence of accomplishment?
What We’ve Accomplished… Focus On Student Learning: Technology Integration 32 Lenovo Laptops 70 Chromebooks 6 Tablets 8 Smartboards 4 Interactive Projectors
What We’ve Accomplished… Focus On School Improvement School Safety Safety Committee Review & update emergency procedures Update emergency backpacks & supplies in classroom Update emergency container Identify & resolve safety issues
What We’ve Accomplished… Focus On School Improvement School Safety Schools in Need Grant: Intercom System Make announcements in all areas of campus Update outdated bell system Unify all clocks Auction - Fund An Enhancement
What We’ve Accomplished… Focus On School Improvement School Commission Facilities Committee Building inspection to identify needs Creating maintenance plan, including prioritized list of needs & related timeline Technology Committee Create 5 year school technology plan that identifies goals Replacement plan for current technology inventory
Looking Ahead… Focus On Student Learning: Needs of Diverse Learners Focus on Math development Cross curricular project based learning S.T.E.A.M. related programs Piloting a writing curriculum Professional development
Cost vs. Tuition
TypeCurrent Tuition 5% IncreaseMonthly Change ( Over 11 months) In Parish One Student $5,698$5,983$25.91 In Parish Two Students $9,977$10,476$45.36 In Parish 3+ Students$13,112$13,768$59.64 Out of Parish One Student $8,195$8,605$37.27 Out of Parish Two Students $15,169$15,927$68.91 Out of Parish 3+ Students $21,725$22,811$98.73 Operations Fee: $275 per student (facilities, technology, textbooks) = same amount as former Facilities Fee
What We’ve Accomplished… Enrollment & Marketing Maple Leaf Summer Social Parent Ambassadors Surveys Enrollment and Marketing Committee Fall 2015 Enrollment Advertisements
What We’ve Accomplished… Fundraising Annual Fund Big GIVE – May 5 th Auction: Procurements Due March 28 th Family Night – May 7 th Live Auction and Dinner – May 9 th
What We’ve Accomplished… Parent Club Fundraisers Magazine Sale (raised $18,600) Scrip Sales Pizza Lunch Middle School Dances Spirit Store Goal of $ 50,000 On Target! Community Activities Golf Tournament Harvest Festival Irish Pub Night Parent/Child Events Back to School BBQ Field Day Grandparents Brunch
What We’ve Accomplished… Parent Club Student & School Support Drama program Assemblies Bookfair Matching Funds for Library Purchased Outdoor Bulletin Boards Purchased Outdoor Picnic Tables Donation for new athletic equipment Provide Mini-grants for teachers Purchased cubbies for classrooms NEW online volunteer management system