OSHA Program Implementation What types of OSHA programs do we need in a Museum Environment?
ELEMENTS OF ALL OSHA PROGRAMS: b Written Compliance Program; b Program Implementation: b Employee Training; b Auditing of Programs; b Recordkeeping; b Program Updates/ Revisions.
OSHA PROGRAMS: b HAZCOM; b PPE; b Respiratory Protection; b LOTO; b Hearing Conservation; b Bloodborne Pathogens; b Asbestos Awareness; b Ergonomics; b Forklift Safety; b Emergency Preparedness.
Hazard Communications: b Identify Collection Hazards; b Identify Chemicals used in Workplace; b Observe work practices; b Implement Exposure Controls; b Train Employees.
b Task Hazard Assessment; b Implement Engineering Controls; b Evaluation of PPE; b Selection/FIT of PPE; b Training on the use of PPE. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Respiratory Protection b Hazard Assessment; b Selection of Respirators; b Selection of Cartridges; b Medical Surveillance; b Annual Training; b Annual Fit testing of all respirators.
Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO): b Locate Energized Equipment; b Analyze hazards; b Local LOTO; b Mechanical LOTO; b Remote LOTO; b LOTO procedures; b LOTO Training.
Hearing Conservation: b Noise Level Evaluations; b Implement Engineering Controls; b Evaluate/Implement PPE; b Develop an Exposure Control Plan; b Train Employees.
Bloodborne Pathogens b Determine At Risk Employees; b Evaluate PPE; b Train Employees on Company policies; b Offer HBV; b Provide employees with proper PPE.
Asbestos Awareness: b Identify areas of ACM within your building; b Assess condition of ACM; b Identify target group of employees; b Train employees; b Provide PPE as needed;
Ergonomics: b Work station evaluations; b Task risk analysis; b Modifying Work stations; b Modifying equipment; b Employee Training.
Forklift Safety: b Lift Inspections; b Employee Training; b Operator Training; b Maintenance Records; b Driving Tests; b New Lift training.
Emergency Preparedness b City, State and Local Requirements; b Patrons, Employees, Students; b Establish Teams; b Train; b Drills.
Written Program Resources: b Internet; b Subscription Services; b ASSE, AIHA; b Consultants; b CFR’s; b Existing Code Requirements.
Program Implementation Resources: b Cooperation and Buy-in of employees; b Line Supervisors; b Outside Consultant Interviews and Auditing;
Employee Training Resources: b Resident Experts; b ASSE, AIHA; b NETA; b Consultants.
Program Auditing Resources: b Checklist Development; b Internet; b ASSE, AIHA,; b Accident Investigations; b Employee Interviews; b Consultants.
Revising/Updating Programs: b Review CFR’s; b Review Accident Reports; b Interview Employees; b Observe Work Practices; b ASSE, AIHA; b Consultants.