ESENER Survey: Psychosocial risks management in European enterprises Dr Malgorzata Milczarek European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
EU-OSHA The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was established in 1996 in Bilbao to help improve working conditions in the European Union EU-OSHA: identifies emerging risks (research) consolidates knowledge (reports) stimulates debate (seminars) collects and disseminates good practice information organises raising-awareness campaigns develops and disseminates practical tools
FOCAL POINTS EU Focal Points EEA/EFTA Focal Points Candidate & Potential Candidate Countries
ESENER survey Europe-wide establishment ESENER Survey asks managers and workers' representatives about how health and safety risks are managed at their workplace, with a particular focus on the work- related stress, violence and harassment. Computer-assisted telephone interviews (“CATI”) 2 questionnaires 31 countries: 36,000 interviews (2009) 41 national versions of each questionnaire “Enterprises” = both public and private sectors EU-OSHA research
The universe EU-27 ESENER covers all establishments with 10+ workers Across all sectors, including public, except agriculture and fishing Establishments with 10+ employees 3 million enterprises 136 million employees
How are the ‘new’ psychosocial risks such as stress, violence and harassment being managed? Main concerns and causes Level of concern about stress, violence and bullying or harassment; what are the principal risk factors (e.g. time pressure, poor communication, job insecurity, etc.)? Measures taken Ad-hoc or ‘reactive’ measures (e.g. training, change to work organisation, work area redesign, confidential support, changes to working time, conflict resolution) Procedures in place More formal or system based than ‘measures’, e.g. procedures to deal with stress, with violence or with bullying or harassment
Main concerns about workplace risks Level of concern about various health and safety issues % establishments, EU27
Main concerns and causes Concern regarding work-related stress % establishments
Main concerns and causes Concern regarding bullying or harassment % establishments
Main concerns and causes Concern regarding violence or threat of violence % establishments
Procedures in place Concern about work-related stress, bullying or harassment, or work-related violence % establishments, EU27
Main concerns and causes Concern about various psychosocial risk factors % establishments, EU27
Procedures in place Prevalence of procedures to deal with work-related stress, bullying or harassment, or violence % establishments, EU27
Measures taken Areas that are routinely checked as part of a risk assessment EE CY FI IE RO DK LT EE 97% 45% 60% 76% % establishments, EU27, lowest, highest and average Note: only establishments where risk assessment or similar measures are carried out
Measures taken Use of measures to deal with psychosocial risks over the previous three years % establishments, EU27
Barriers Main difficulties in dealing with health and safety and with psychosocial risks % establishments, EU-27
Management commitment Health and safety issues raised regularly in high level management meetings % establishments
In all enterprise sizes, across all sectors and countries: the implementation of good practice in OSH management as well as concern for work-related stress, harassment and violence act as strong drivers for the implementation of both procedures and ad hoc measures to deal with psychosocial risks lack of technical support and guidance was indicated to be the main barrier Sensitivity is a challenge but it does not have to prevent companies from managing psychosocial risks: it was reported more often by enterprises which implemented procedures or measures (higher awareness) Need for information or support were consistently reported by enterprises of all sizes, especially those that did not implement procedures or measures to deal with psychosocial risks Management of psychosocial risks – drivers, obstacles, needs and measures taken
ESENER information resources Printed publications Descriptive overview report in English Summary of main findings available in 25 languages Printed publications for free download Data repository at Secondary Analysis (to be published early 2012) Factors associated with effective management of psychosocial risks. Management of psychosocial risks – drivers, obstacles, needs and measures taken.
‘Mapping tool’ showing results by country, size and sector
Thank you for your attention! EU-OSHA: Malgorzata Milczarek: