Accident at Quality Surface Processing, Wausau WI “A new report indicated that some equipment fell into a vat with a hot salt bath, which may have ignited the blast. A full investigation into the chemical explosion is underway by police officials, and officials from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) OSHA reported that they would conduct an inspection for any safety violations at the plant. The company reportedly hasn’t had any OSHA citations over the last ten years.” Source: WHAT HAPPENED? ail?id=
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH Act…OSHA) Passed in 1970 Employers to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards that cause or could cause death or serious physical harm to employees Employees are to comply with the OSHA rules, regulations and orders that are applicable to own actions and conduct
OSHA—who does it cover “The term "employer" means a person engaged in a business affecting commerce who has employees, but does not include the United States (not including the United States Postal Service) or any State or political subdivision of a State. “ So, most non-governmental employers! WI Stats. 101 provide for public employees Specific provisions found in WI Administrative Code mm032.pdf
OSHA – scope of purpose Develop safety standards Handle and investigate complaints Inspect worksites Assess penalties for violations/Abatement orders Offer input/training Protects from retaliation Reassess needs and develop new standards -NIOSH
Employer responsibilities Post notice to employees Know and comply with the standards set forth Train employees—continuous Recordkeeping Report injuries/illness Medical exams/testing when exposed Comply with investigations and/or inspections Worker’s Compensation coverage for work- related illness or injury
Safety in the Workplace “The bottom line is that success in controlling a particular hazard is proportional to the amount of attention on that hazard…” Source: “Attuned to the Language of Business”, 4/04 Build a world-class safety program
OSHA – 4 sets of standards General Industry (29 CFR 1910) Construction (29 CFR 1926) Maritime Employment (29 CFR ) Agriculture (29 CFR 1928) ALSO – Posting and Administrative Matters (29 CFR 1903) Recording and reporting of injuries/illness (29 CFR 1904)