WMMA/WIC May 2012 Presented by Jamison Scott More info on combustible dust: Combustible Dust… an Explosive Issue
Combustible Dust Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only What is Combustible Dust? Air Handling Systems - Sawdust Cannon - Mythbusters - Creamer Cannon - Flour Dust - May 2012 – Combustible Dust SAFETY VideoCombustible Dust SAFETY Video Who’s in Charge? Can it Happen in My Facility or my Customers Facility? Prevention
OSHA Fact Sheet Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Combustible dusts are fine particles that present an explosion hazard when suspended in air in certain conditions. Source: OSHA Fact Sheet.
OSHA List Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only
Classic Fire Triangle Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Fuel (combustible dust) Ignition (heat, spark) Oxygen (air) Remove any one element eliminates the possibility of fire.
Dust Explosion Pentagon Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Fuel - fire (combustible dust) Ignition - fire (heat, spark) Oxygen - fire (air) Dispersion (explosion) (Dust Suspension) Confinement (explosion) Remove any one element prevents explosion, but not necessarily fire!* *the concentration of suspended dust must be within an explosible range, lowest amount of dust in air that will explode, referred to as Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC) – (1)
Particles & Layer Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Combustible Fine Particles NFPA Deflagrable Wood Dust 420 micons (.0165”) or smaller (having moisture content of less than 25%). Material that will pass through U.S. No. 40 Standard Sieve. Size of fairly coarse sand. NEW - NFPA NOW 500 microns or less, or material that will pass through U.S. No. 35 Standard Sieve. (having moisture content of less than 25%) Dust layer of 1/8 in. thick can be sufficient to warrant immediate cleaning of area.
Primary & Secondary Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Primary Issues Explosion Secondary Issues Disturbing of FUGITIVE dust on structural supports can create a secondary source of fuel Video Clip: (3:20-5:28)
Who’s in Charge? Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Regulatory Organizations & Agencies OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration Jul Combustible Dust in Industry: Preventing and Mitigating the Effects of Fire and ExplosionsCombustible Dust in Industry: Preventing and Mitigating the Effects of Fire and Explosions 2007 – National Emphasis Program (NEP) targeted inspections on facilities that create or handle combustible dusts. Results from these inspections indicated that facilities had unusually high numbers of general duty clause violations, indicating a strong need for a combustible dust standard. Feb 2008 – Imperial Sugar, dust explosion and subsequent fire at a sugar refinery. Mar Hazard Alert: Combustible Dust Explosions. OSHA Fact SheetHazard Alert: Combustible Dust Explosions. OSHA Fact Sheet Apr 2008 – Act of Congress OSHA considers rulemaking to develop a combustible dust standard for general industry.OSHA considers rulemaking to develop a combustible dust standard for general industry Hazard Communication Guidance for Combustible Dust OSHA Hazard Communication Guidance for Combustible Dust OSHA Oct Combustible Dust ANPRCombustible Dust ANPR Oct 2009 – Status Report on Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (NEP) Dec 2009 – Members of WMMA Industrial Dust Task Force attend Stakeholder Meeting. Feb 2010 – WMMA Submits comment May 2011 – OSHA Expert Forum - Summary Report (July 2011)OSHA Expert Forum - Summary Report (July 2011 Jul OSHA has no timeline for combustible dust rule - Labor Secretary Solis, has no timeline for when OSHA might get around to issuing a rule to deal with the dangers of combustible dust.OSHA has no timeline for combustible dust ruleto issuing a rule to deal with the dangers of combustible dust Jan Obama’s OSHA puts protecting workers from dangers of combustible dust on back burnerObama’s OSHA puts protecting workers from dangers of combustible dust on back burner Feb THE EVOLVING OSHA REGULATION OF COMDUST THROUGH EXISTING OSHA STANDARDS, A POSSIBLE I2P2 RULE, NFPA STANDARDS AND THE GENERAL DUTY CLAUSE. Larry Halprin from Keller & Heckman.
Who’s in Charge? Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Feb 14, THE EVOLVING OSHA REGULATION OF COMDUST THROUGH EXISTING OSHA STANDARDS, A POSSIBLE I2P2 RULE, NFPA STANDARDS AND THE GENERAL DUTY CLAUSE By Lawrence P. Halprin When OSHA recently placed its combustible dust (CD) rulemaking initiative into the undetermined, long-term actions category, many people apparently concluded that OSHA was giving it a lower priority and that any further regulation of CD was on an indefinite hold. Clearly, that is not the situation. OSHA's regulation of combustible dust will be substantially affected by the pending GHS Amendment to the OSHA HazCom Standard (HCS), the pending OSHA Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection Rulemaking, the ongoing OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Program Rule initiative, and the ongoing development and revision of CD standards by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Feb 16, 2012 – from SBA - many fear that OSHA will attempt to use I2P2 as an end all, and pack every conceivable hazard into it. These are issues we will need to explore during the SBREFA panel. The I2P2 panel is likely to be delayed while OSHA gets all the materials together. Apr 2012 – from OSHA - The official word is what is on the published regulatory agenda: long-term action, with no target date for the next official action (SBREFA review). We also have some guidance efforts proceeding at the same time.
Who’s in Charge? Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Regulatory Organizations & Agencies Congress 112 th Congress – U.S. Rep. John Barrow from Georgia reintroduced “Worker Protection Against Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires Act” in the House in February, Previously introduced in 110 th and 111 th Congress SBA - U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy Early 2011 OSHA was exploring creation of SBREFA for April 2011 (Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act) requiring OSHA to convene a task force of small business to review effects of OSHA regulations. Per contact with SBA in late April 2011 – SBREFRA has been put off for a month or so. Now it is reported for possibly December NOW??? 2012??? NFPA – National Fire Protection Association (Current Edition noted) NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting. (Current 2007 Next 2013) NFPA 484 Standard for Combustible Metals (Current 2009) NFPA 654 Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids. (Current 2006 Next: 2013) NFPA 664 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions on Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities (Current 2012) 2010 – NFPA discussion to merge all combustible dust related standards, NFPA 61, NFPA 484, NFPA 654, NFPA 655, NFPA 664 Insurance Companies FM Global - Prevention and mitigation of combustible dust FM Global - Prevention and mitigation of combustible dust
Who’s REALLY in Charge Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Sugar Refinery Ignored Explosive Dust Before Blast September 25, 2009 by Rruss Bynum, Associated Press Writer
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only 1785 – First recorded dust explosion at a flour mill in Italy. Feb Georgia sugar refinery explosion - The 2008 Imperial Sugar sugar refinery explosion was an industrial disaster that occurred in Port Wentworth, Georgia.Georgia sugar refinery explosion Nov Combustible Dust Explosion at Motorcycle Rim Manufactured Factory The explosion also caused damage to buildings and manufacturing plant, the destruction of the dust collector system and also broke windows of factories nearby.Combustible Dust Explosion at Motorcycle Rim Manufactured Factory Jan 2011 – Hoeganaes Corp – Tennessee – THREE incidents involving combustible dust within six months – Jan, March, May. CSB created video “Iron in the Fire”.Hoeganaes Corp – Tennessee – THREE incidents“Iron in the Fire Feb 2011 Mississippi mill slapped with ComDust violations - $67,800 - OSHA has cited a MS mill for a variety of violations, including for having an electrical junction box open in an area where combustible wood dust accumulates. 9 willful and serious safety violations and associated proposed penalties totaling $67,800.Mississippi mill slapped with ComDust violations Feb 2011 Combustible Dust Exposure Leads to Georgia Company's Fine - $55,250 - OSHA has cited U.S. Erosion Control Products Inc., following an inspection that uncovered 46 alleged safety and health hazards including worker exposure to heavy accumulations of combustible dust. Proposed penalties total $55,250.Combustible Dust Exposure Leads to Georgia Company's Fine Feb OSHA cites 2 Tuscumbia, Ala., companies – $121,800 for 40 safety and health violations with $121,800 in penalties - Feb 2011 – TUSCUMBIA, Ala. – OSHA is proposing $121,800 in penalties for 40 safety and health violations at two Tuscumbia companies with shared family ownership, Tri-Cities Manufacturing Inc. and Tool Masters Inc.
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Mar Gov. Malloy tours Connecticut firm cited by OSHA - $83,400 OSHA cited specific safety violations. They include improperly designed combustible dust collection system. – SEE NEXT SLIDE for DETAILSGov. Malloy tours Connecticut firm cited by OSHA Mar OSHA: Carolina Skiff (GA) cited for combustible dust - $95,000 - OSHA fines Waycross, Ga., manufacturer for safety and health violationsOSHA: Carolina Skiff (GA) cited for combustible dust Apr RY Timber (MT) cited by OSHA for worker ComDust exposure - $79,200 - Cited for five repeat and four serious violations for exposing workers to combustible dust hazards by OSHA. The repeat violations address deficiencies involving inadequate housekeeping in areas where combustible dust build-up had exceeded allowable limits.RY Timber (MT) cited by OSHA for worker ComDust exposure Apr Seating Company Slapped with fines for Combustible Dust - $117,600 - “Combustible dust, with its fine particulate composition, has the ability to create an explosive atmosphere and rapidly engulf a facility in fire,” said Area Director. “The accumulations of combustible dust must be removed, and a program must be put in place to prevent any potential build up from occurring.”Seating Company Slapped with fines for Combustible Dust
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Gov. Malloy tours Conn. firm cited by OSHAGov. Malloy tours Conn. firm cited by OSHA - $83,400 Employees were exposed to fire and explosion hazards caused by the presence of combustible dust: Current Penalty:$5000 The Donaldson Torit Model VS1200 dust collection system provided was not designed and installed to be used with combustible metal dust. Specifically: The collection hood provided at the de-burring workstation was not designed and maintained so that fine particles would either fall or be projected in the direction of airflow. (NFPA 484, Section ) The dry-type dust collector was located inside of the building. (NFPA 484, Section ) The dust collection system was not dedicated to the collection of aluminum or aluminum alloy dust. (NFPA 484, Section ) The plastic hose that connected the exhaust hood to the dust collector was not short, straight, conductive and provided with a smooth interior surface. (NFPA 484, Sections , & & ) The pneumatic hand tools provided for use were not interlocked with the dust collector to ensure that the dust collector was on and properly functioning before deburring. (NFPA 484, Section , , & ) Exhaust air from the dust collector was recycled into the work area. (NFPA 484, Section & ) Among other methods, one feasible and acceptable abatement method to correct this hazard is to design and install a dust collection system that complies with generally accepted guidelines such as National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 484 Standard for Combustible Metals.
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only May ‘Combustible Dust’ Plant Explosion May Cost Apple 500,000 iPads‘Combustible Dust’ Plant Explosion May Cost Apple 500,000 iPads Jun ComDust explosion at Universal Woods injures two workers- A dust explosion and fire at Universal Products, supplier of UV/EB-cured wood panel products, injured two employees. The two injured workers were using a metal rod to unclog the dust collection filter when it apparently touched something causing a spark and triggering an explosion and resulting fireball that blasted more than 50 feet into the air.ComDust explosion at Universal Woods injures two workers Jul OSHA Slaps Pilgrim’s Pride with fines - $85,000 Allegedly discovered an “excessive accumulation of grain dust” as the result of a housekeeping program that was neither followed nor maintained. The agency said they allowed electrical components such as motors and drop lights to be subject to the accumulation of combustible dust.OSHA Slaps Pilgrim’s Pride with fines Aug OSHA Brews Up fines for Georgia Coffee, Tea Manufacturer - $46,550. OSHA has cited Excelso Coffee and Tea Co. for 19 violations related to combustible dust and other hazards at the company's Norcross, Ga.OSHA Brews Up fines for Georgia Coffee, Tea Manufacturer Aug OSHA proposes fine for Opelika packaging company - $54,880. OSHA cited Intercontinental Packaging Inc. for alleged 24 safety violations. The spokesman said that the fines were unfortunate because at the time of the OSHA inspection a new dust collection system was on site and being prepared for installation. OSHA violations involve improper housekeeping for allowing up to 36 inches of combustible wood dust to accumulate.OSHA proposes fine for Opelika packaging company
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Oct Fine for exposing employees to combustible dust hazards - $58,800 "Failing to provide appropriate personal protective equipment and monitoring workers for exposure to hazards such as combustible dust puts them at an unacceptable risk for injury and illness”.Fine for exposing employees to combustible dust hazards Jan Cardell Cabinetry faces fines by OSHA - $45,000 The company, which employs about 800 people, faces $45,000 in proposed penalties. OSHA said in a statement it found combustible dust accumulation, inadequate guarding of machines and unsanitary working conditions.Cardell Cabinetry faces fines by OSHA Feb Sandersville sawmill fined for health and safety violations - $78,000 Several of the alleged violations involved combustible dust in the sawmill.Sandersville sawmill fined for health and safety violations Feb Franklin Lumber Co. in Bude cited for 22 safety violations - $103,356. OSHA initiated its inspection as part of the agency's national emphasis program to reduce employees' exposure to combustible dust hazards.Franklin Lumber Co. in Bude cited for 22 safety violations Apr OSHA cites Illinois pasta company for 6 violations after dust explosion - $231,000. Fine after an inquiry into a combustible dust explosion which took place at its manufacturing plant in Steeleville, IllinoisOSHA cites Illinois pasta company for 6 violations after dust explosion Apr Ala. Famers Cooperative Hit with OSHA Fine - $191, safety and health violations for exposing workers at its Decatur, Ala., facility to combustible dust and other hazards.Ala. Famers Cooperative Hit with OSHA Fine
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Feb Firefighters cut down Lakeland fire –Firefighters cut down Lakeland fire "There is a collection area for sawdust, a building called the bag house," said deputy fire chief John Iverson. "There was a fire in that building, but there was no equipment in there, no damage, nobody in danger of injury, just dust and sawdust burning.” "It is typical of any fire at any sawmill, that we have to be careful that hotspots and sparks are extinguished and not left smoldering," he said. Apr 23, Prince George Lakeland Mills sawmill ‘ball of flame’ kills 1, injures 24Prince George Lakeland Mills sawmill ‘ball of flame’ kills 1, injures 24 Workers say building exploded around them Flames at the sawmill, located about one kilometre outside the city, were reported to have shot more than 60 metres in the air at one point, according to witnesses. “The flames literally lit up the entire downtown; they must have been visible for kilometres,”. It's the second devastating explosion in B.C. in recent months. In January, an explosion tore through a mill near Burns Lake, killing two and destroying the mill.near Burns Lake But some outside experts have pointed to high dust levels and limited ventilation at the Burns Lake mills as a possible cause.high dust levels and limited ventilation Link to Article and Video
Can it Happen Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Use NEP and ANPR as guidelines. National Emphasis Program (NEP) - Using General Duty Clause Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR). ANPR is basically data collect from a series of questions. You will note there is overlap in the various sections. However, “Preparation is the best medicine.” Highlights include: Hazard Recognition/Assessment Engineering Controls Administrative Controls – Document, Document, Document Housekeeping Building Design Explosion Protection Operating Procedures Worker Training Source OSHA ANPR
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Hazard Recognition/Assessment Determining if dust is combustible via Dust Testing - Explosion Severity Test, Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC) Communication HazCom Standard, MSDS Industry Standards NFPA State and Local Codes AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) – Fire Marshall, Building Inspector Insurance Company Source OSHA ANPR
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Fixed measures (Engineering Controls) that are built into a facility or processing equipment to remove or minimize hazard. Primary (building, facility) Prevent accumulation of FUGITIVE dust on surfaces, beams, etc. Flat surfaces are not good. Secondary (equipment) Dust Collection Systems Sprinkler system Source OSHA ANPR
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Administrative Controls - Document, Document, Document Do you have a method to prevent escape of dust? Do you have a policy to remove FUGITIVE dust from surfaces? OSHA wants written rules and procedures Document, Document, Document Source OSHA ANPR
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Housekeeping – FUGITIVE Dust Control NEW - NFPA NOW 500 microns or less, or material that will pass through U.S. No. 35 Standard Sieve. (having moisture content of less than 25%) Dust layer of 1/8 in. thick can be sufficient to warrant immediate cleaning of area. – Older standards stated - Dust layers as thin as 1/64 of an inch or less or the underlying surface colors are NOT readily discernible. If you can see dust, don’t ignore it! Clean it up and examine where it’s coming from. Seal all openings in processing and conveying equipment to prevent the release of dust. When you inspect your workplace also consider overhead beams, electrical cable trays, lighting fixtures, and “invisible” areas such as areas above false or suspended ceilings. – Source NFPA ournal ournal
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Housekeeping - Dust Collection NFPA 664 (combustible dust standard just for woodworking) applies to shops larger than 5,000 sq ft or collector greater than 1500 cfm. Essential in any size shop So when it comes to Combustible Dust - Size of shop doesn’t matter, size of dust does. Changing filters, bags, tightening clamps. Spark Detection system in Dust Collectors and Ductwork Explosion Relief – Deflagration Venting - NFPA 68 Example: Hanging Air Filter for ambient dust. DO NOT blowing off machinery to clean Shop Vacuum or Vacuum Kit which attaches to your dust system for everything else. Use explosion proof vacuum
Prevention Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Building Design Explosion Protection Flamex Spark Detection Video Flamex Spark Detection Video Fike Explosion Protection VENTING Video Fike Explosion Protection VENTING Video Fike Explosion Protection SUPPRESION Video Fike Explosion Protection SUPPRESION Video Operating Procedures Worker Training Do the worker know what to do? Have they read the operating procedures? Do they understand? Have they been tested?
Resources Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only OSHA – Occupational Safety & Health Administration Combustible Dust Combustible Dust NFPA – National Fire Protection Association NFPA 68: Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting NFPA 68: Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting NFPA 654: Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids NFPA 654: Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids NFPA 664: Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities NFPA 664: Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities US Chemical Safety Board Imperial Sugar Company Dust Explosion and Fire Imperial Sugar Company Dust Explosion and Fire WMMA NFPA 664 Combustible Dusts Overview NFPA 664 Combustible Dusts Overview Insurance Company - (registration required) Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-73, Dust Collectors and Collection Systems Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires Combustible Dust Policy Institute
Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only Jamison Scott More info on combustible dust: Questions & Summary
Appendix A Air Handling Systems - Copyright 2012 For informational use only