Brenton D. Soderstrum BrownWinick 666 Grand Avenue, Suite 2000 Des Moines, IA Telephone: Facsimile: Qualifying and Competing as a Top Safety Performer
Creating a Safety Culture for Construction Site 1.Construction is 10 th most dangerous profession 2.Economic Consequences a.Lost work hours b.Compensation fees c.Increased insurance premiums d.OSHA Fines
Setting the Stage 1.Factors contributing to lack of safety a.Rush - deadlines b.Ill-defined chain of command c.Lack of planning d.Lack of training e.Lack of safety mentoring f.Indifference of senior management
Taking Action 1.Safety starts at the top a.Promote safety b.Safety topics c.No exceptions policy 2.Enhance your current work culture a.Identify areas to add safety as a value 3.Maintain open lines of communications 4.Create accountability a.Safety goals 5.Promote ownership
Putting Principles Into Practice 1.Job site safety meetings a.Physical b.Mental 2.Recognize safety performance
OSHA’s Top Ten (Top 10 by number of times cited) NATIONAL:IOWA: 1. Scaffolding1. Hazardous Communication 2. Fall Protection2. Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout/Tagout 3. Hazard Communication3. Toxic and Hazardous Substances 4. Respiratory Protection4. Machine – General Requirements 5. Lockout/Tagout5. Scaffolding 6. Electrical; Wiring Methods6. Asbestos 7. Powered Industrial Trucks 7. Respiratory Protection 8. Ladders8. Fall Protection 9. Electrical - General Requirements9. Permit Required; Confined Space 10. Machine Guarding10. Electrical - General
Top Ten Highest Penalties NATIONAL:IOWA: 1. Fall Protection - Construction1. Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals 2. Electrical – General Requirements2. Permit Required – Confined Space 3. Safety Training & Education3. Emergency Action Plans 4. Control of Hazardous Energy4. Control of Hazardous Energy - – Lockout/Tagout - Lockout/Tagout5. Machines – General Requirements 6. General Duty Clause6. Toxic and Hazardous Substances - Chromium 7. Excavations – Requirements for 7. Scaffolding Protective Systems (Trenching/Shoring) 8. Lead8. Fall Protection 9. Grain Handling Facilities9. General Duty Clause 10. Ladders10. Electrical - General
What To Do When OSHA Comes Calling How to Avoid An Inspection
Establish Safety and Health Program 1.OSHA Recommendations: a.Management commitment and employee involvement; b.Analyze worksite to determine hazards; c.Eliminate or control hazards; and d.Train employees.
Anticipate an Inspection 1.Safety person available; 2.Enforce safety program; and 3.How will you handle inspection.
OSHA Penalty Structure Criminal Liability
Response upon arrival of OSHA Compliance Officer
What Employer can and should do during inspection 1.Opening conference; 2.Closing conference; and 3.Answering questions.
What to do after an inspection
OSHA Citations Arrive 1.Amending citations 2.Posting citations
Notice of Contest
Informal Conferences
Employer’s Answer to Complaint 1.Defenses
Discovery 1.Interrogatories 2.Request for Production of Documents 3.Depositions
Pre-hearing Procedures
OSHA Hearing
Proposed and Final Decisions
Further Judicial Review
Documenting Your Safety Training 1.Prove it 2.Verify
The Importance of Documentation Tale of Two Companies
Advantages of Keeping a Training Log 1.Cut injuries 2.Comply with retraining requirements 3.Document certification
How to Create Training Log 1.Worker’s name 2.Subject of training session 3.Dates of training session 4.Dates of retraining session 5.Signatures of each trainer 6.Whether worker received certification
How to Use Training Log 1.Safety Director gets copy to keep in central employee file; and 2.Personnel Department to keep in personnel file.
Four Things You Can Do To Make Sure Your Workers “Get It” 1.Post-training quiz 2.Participant demonstrations 3.Post training evaluations 4.Post training observations
Why Contractor Safety is Important for an Owner Bad publicity caused by incidents Business interruption Client safety Contractual liability Cost overruns Damage to property Loss of use Owner’s client challenges Public safety Third-party lawsuits Unidentified repairs Unresponsive contractors Unwanted publicity
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