Proactive Safety Management Refreshing your IIPP
Presenter GREG BORGERSON Business Development Representative ESM Solutions, Inc. Multiple Technology Certifications 15 years in Business Process Engineering Degree in Psychology from San Jose State University
Presenter WILLIAM RICHARDS Marketing & Creative Design Manager ESM Solutions, Inc. Technologies expert Product building 5 years in product marketing Established knowledge in user experience Video production orchestrator
ANTHONY POSTON, ARM, AIM CEO & Co-Founder ESM Solutions, Inc. Presenter Associate in Risk Management Associate in Management Fire Casualty Broker License (0H15950) Series 7, 9/10 & 63 licenses B.S. in International Business/Finance 13 years in risk management services
Today’s Discussion Segment 1 Workers’ Compensation Industry Update Segment 2 AB 2774 – Defining “Serious” Cal/OSHA’s Targeted Inspection Consultation Fund Segment 3 Injury & Illness Prevention Program Workshop What is an IIPP ESM’s development process What are the required elements? Cal/OSHA’s here, now what? How ESM can help
Segment 1 Industry Update As of March 31, 2013
Think about this… How many of you have safety / Work Comp objectives for ? How many of you are expecting increases in your Workers’ Compensation insurance costs? How are you going to offset that increase in expense? How many of you have had injuries in your organization? What are the direct and in-direct costs?
Introductory Exercise A.How confident are you with your safety efforts? B.What are three safety programs/activities you are most confident with and why? |2|3|4|51|2|3|4|5 Not ConfidentConfident
Segment 2 AB2774 – Defining “Serious”
The Impact of AB Redefines “Serious” 2.Enforcement officers are provided: More inspection training More legal training 3.More Serious citations (fine of $18,000) 4.More Willful citations (fine of $70,000) 5.ESM has developed a 4-part video series on AB2774. Watch it for free at:
Definition of “Serious” "Serious physical harm," as used in this part, means any injury or illness, specific or cumulative, occurring in the place of employment or in connection with any employment, that results in any of the following: 1.Inpatient hospitalization for purposes other than medical observation. 2.The loss of any member of the body. 3.Any serious degree of permanent disfigurement. 4.Impairment sufficient to cause a part of the body or the function of an organ to become permanently and significantly reduced in efficiency on or off the job, including, but not limited to, depending on the severity, second-degree or worse burns, crushing injuries including internal injuries even though skin surface may be intact, respiratory illnesses, or broken bones. (f) Serious physical harm may be caused by a single, repetitive practice, means, method, operation, or process.
CAL/OSHA’s TICF Target Inspection Consultation Fund Employers with X-mods greater than 125% Subject to an “assessment” based on payroll Ranges from $100 to $10,000 (formerly a max of $2500) Subject to a Cal/OSHA site visit No Cal/OSHA Assessment in
Question Failure to report a serious injury or illness to Cal/OSHA in a timely manner can result in a fine of? A.Your lunch money B.$4,000 C.$5,000 D.$8,765.43
Segment 3 Updating Your IIPP
Ongoing, structured Safety Committee Meetings Ongoing, scheduled Safety Inspections & Trending Relevant and compliant Safety Training Standardization of Processes for scalability and sustainability Safety Application Building a Safety program Safety Foundation Risk Assessment Define prioritized scope of work Prepare Corporate S&H Policy Develop Injury & Illness Prevention Program Develop Safety & Health Manual
What is an Injury & Illness Prevention Program? Also commonly referred to as the IIPP The IIPP is an umbrella or outline to an employer’s safety operations and processes The IIPP contains & addresses 8 Key Safety Elements that are applicable to all industries It is required of all employers with 5+ EE’s It is designed to help provide better workplace protection for employees as well as to reduce losses resulting from accidents and injuries
Customer Engagement Customer Engagement Collect Background Information Collect Background Information Current Injury & Illness Prevention Plan OSHA 300 log (past three years) Training records (samples) Inspection reports (samples) Loss runs if available (most current) Complete IIPP Evaluation Questionnaire Complete IIPP Evaluation Questionnaire Phase 1 – IIPP Review Program Introduction Phase 2 – IIPP Revision Review client’s current IIPP Analyze supporting documentation Prepare revised IIPP Outline Revise and reformat IIPP Revise and reformat IIPP Ensure IIPP meets Cal-OSHA standards Phase 3 – IIPP Roll out Revise / develop custom checklists for implementation and compliance Provide revised IIPP, action items and monthly safety training matrix and training modules Collaborate on revised program Ensure procedures reflect organizational practices Adopt new IIPP program Provide IIPP training to Supervisors / Managers using Training CBT Injury & Illness Prevention Program Development Process Joint Client ESM Multiple drafts may be required Provide monthly safety training to employees per schedule Provide monthly safety training to employees per schedule Coordinate with client regarding questions, or additional information needed Identify missing Cal-OSHA compliance requirements Identify missing Cal-OSHA compliance requirements Provide ongoing consultation and support, including annual refresher to IIPP Review safety training modules including: PPT Presentation, Learner’s Guide, Quiz and Answers
IIPP requirements – 8 elements 1.Safety responsibility assigned 2.Establish a system for ensuring compliance 3.Effective communication of program 4.Procedures for identifying and evaluating workplace hazards 5.Investigate injuries and illness 6.Procedures for correcting unsafe or unhealthy conditions 7.Provide training and instruction 8.Recordkeeping & documentation 9.*Code of Safe Practices (Construction)
Cal/OSHA’s here! Now what? During the inspection, an enforcement officer must make a reasonable effort to determine if there: Was supervision of employees exposed (#1,2) Was training for employees and supervisors (#7) Were procedures for discovering and controlling the hazard (#4,5,6) Were procedures for communicating to the employee (#3,7)
ESM’s IIPP Compliance Kit Includes: Compliance IIPP, customized to fit your organization Code of Safe Practices Forms and Checklists for IIPP implementation IIPP Computer Based Training 12 safety training modules Training schedule / matrix Learner’s guide Training program Quiz, answers and attendance form 10 hours of ESM consultation
First Step: SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknesses Internal What are the strengths of your IIPP? e.g. Consistent and effective safety meetings What are the weaknesses? e.g. Inconsistent inspection program OpportunitiesThreats External What are your opportunities for improvement? e.g. Increased training from online resources What are your external threats? e.g. Cal/OSHA compliance
Summary Workers’ Compensation trends are continuing to increase Cal-OSHA is more prevalent Your IIPP must include the 8 elements Proactive safety management will help minimize exposures and injuries The time to start enhancing your safety efforts is now… ESM can help!
Questions Contact us: 1112 I St. #350 | Sacramento, CA Phone: | Fax:
“ Where there are risks… there are Solutions… “