API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09 Wendy Dominguez November 11, 2009 An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009
Standards & RPs Status of RPs 752, 754 & 755 – all targeted for publication end of 2009 RP-752 – Building Siting (excl tents, to be addressed in 2010) - Document was re-balloted after feedback from OSHA, now closed RP-754 – Process Safety Metrics - ANSI document out for public comment, ballot closes 16 Nov - Outside reviewers tapped to comment (some by CSB) - 2 year update timing proposed RP-755 – Fatigue Management - Ditto RP-754, ballot closes Nov 23 rd. - API project with Circadian on documentation of “Hours of Service” - 5 year update timing proposed - USW walked away from the table on 754/755 development API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09 An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009
Roll-Out and Implementation of RPs jointly with NPRA, issue press releases, fact sheets, complimentary copies to OSHA and CSB; CSB briefing on 754 and 755 to be held discussed how best to support industry acceptance and implementation – decided on a series of conferences coinciding with key meetings (NPRA, CCPS, ACC, API, MKO etc.). Have a coordinating council to plan and execute this. Ron Chittim is API’s rep. API university or other course offerings to follow Sustainability of RP’s Which API committee should own them? CRE? GCR? SFPC? API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09
API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09 Legislative/Regulatory Activities HF Alky RP-751 – Alky Safe Operations NPRA S&H Committee met with CSB on HF Alky, discussed 3 HF incidents to date, CSB requesting more data on industry HF Alky units. Advocacy info (safety record, etc.) to be developed by API to share with CSB and others (HF for Alky plants only 4% of total volume in the US) RFP issued by API to study HF mitigation technologies, strategies, and relative costs/effectiveness, etc. (ie: vapor suppression additives, solid acid or MHF, water curtain, etc.) Industry would like to take a more wholistic approach to HF risk mgmt, vs. IST technology “solutions”. (Plan B - procedural, passive, active, inherent) An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009
API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09 Legislative/Regulatory Activities OSHA ANPRM on Combustible Dust (Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule- making) FSPC will determine applicability to refining (coke dust? Cat fines?) and impact assessment. Status of “Protect American Workers Act” USW supported Will increase penalties and required actions over and above OSHA requirements Obama admin might “give this” to Labor An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009
API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09 Other Business Report on LOPA/SIS Benchmarking Efforts Blinded industry survey by PSC to determine current level of protection on specific refining equipment being conducted 2009 Process Safety Performance Indicators Reporting Tier 1 data to be reported in Tier 2 in NPRA, ACC< and API all reporting separately. A concern about duplication of effort and risk of how data is interpreted OSHA NEP Update and Development of 2010 PSC Workplan OSHA auditing VPP sites and asking to use them for training OSHA inspectors! An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009
API Process Safety Committee Meeting 10/22/09 Other Business (Cont) OSHA NEP Update and Development of 2010 PSC Workplan 2010 workplan for PSC to address some of the issues found in the NEP audits …definition of RAGAGEP, vehicles as ignition sources (* not covered in API 500), hydrogen level in fuel gas and elect classification, elect classification of public roads near a process area, process safety competence training of senior leaders, P&ID guidelines, tank safety Systems. Review of recent incidents/investigations - Flare Stack overflow and pool fire at Tesoro Salt Lake City (similar to BP Texas City) - Tank fires, Gulf refinery in Catano, P.R. An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009
API Process Safety Committee Meeting -10/22/09 An Update for the CRE - Fall Meeting, 2009