Promoting a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan. WIA Data Validation FAQs, Tools, Tips, and Tricks Michigan.


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan. WIA Data Validation FAQs, Tools, Tips, and Tricks Michigan Works! Conference 2014

Agenda Let’s start with a little history…

Promoting a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan.

Which participants are subject to review? The Program Year 2013 Data Validation review will cover participants who exited between: *April 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013*. For future reviews, add one year onto each date. For example, the Program Year 2014 Data Validation Review will cover participants who exited between April 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014.

What guidance should I be using?  Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL)  Released August 22, 2014  Comparison to TEGL 28-11: Handout will be available for download from the conference website.

Most Notable Changes: It’s time to say, Elements: 1)Received Employment Service 2)Received Additional Support for Youth Services Definition: Other Public Assistance no longer includes Supplemental Security Income

New Element: Special ETA Project ID Number Foster Care Youth and Goal elements are now validated for Older Youth participants Date of Birth and Type of Credential are now validated for NEG participants Received Educational Achievement Services; Summer Employment Opportunities; Leadership Development Opportunities; and Follow-Up Services These elements now validate most recent date vs. individual receipt of service. These elements are now matched vs. supported.

Are there elements I should pay special attention to? o Date of Birth o Employment Status o Low Income Status o Other Public Assistance Status o Needy Family Status o Dislocation Date o Veteran Status o Enrolled o Credential Type o Degree Certificate o Date Degree Certificate Program Year 2012 Review Errors

Employment Status at Participation Yes = Validated

Building this Case Note Case Note Basics _________________ Show that the information was collected from the participant by including additional information: “Amelia confirmed..” Company name Average hours Wage Additional pertinent details if disclosed Has been with the company for X years Enjoys/dislikes current position/duties Participant Status Case Manager Name Date on which the information was obtained

Employed at Participation Tool Equifax Work Number Page 1 Page 2 USDOL has also approved this document as a method to collect employment information during follow-up.

Enrolled in Education

Detailed Case Noting Don’t: Do:

Public Assistance

BRIDGES System Benefit Summary

DHS Eligibility Notice *Similar to a Case Action Notice, which is also acceptable source documentation

DHS Eligibility Notice Continued

Public Assistance Receipt Tool- MI BRIDGES

Required: 1) Type of assistance; 2) Dates of receipt; and 3) Client name MI BRIDGES BENEFIT SUMMARY

Credentials A credential must be awarded in "recognition of an individual's attainment of measurable technical or occupational skills necessary to gain employment or advance within an occupation." Refer to the contents of TEGL 15-10, Attachment 2, issued December 15, 2010, for guidelines regarding credentials.

License Verification- Screen 1

License Verification- Screen 2

Unofficial = Unacceptable

Q. When should this form be submitted to WDA? A. Upon completion of GED testing, if the participant has passed all exams. Q. How long will it take to receive the transcript? A. Estimate 2 – 14 business days to process all requests. To get a copy of an Official GED Transcript use this form PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 2015

Attained Degree or Certificate Date Attained Degree or Certificate or Credential Remember, always refer back to the TEGL- Appropriate source documentation for the elements above includes transcripts, certificates, a diploma, or a letter or other documentation from the school system.

New GED Transcript

OSMIS Entry: Attained Degree or Certificate & Date Attained Degree or Certificate or Credential Formerly, the WIA status screen displayed the following fields related to Diplomas/GEDs/Certificates and their attainment: The fields related to Diploma/GED/Certificates and their attainments have now been grouped together: Applies to Older and Younger Youth

This data is ONLY used for Type of Recognized Credential Commonly Mistaken: Applies to Adults, Dislocated Workers, NEGs, and Older Youth

Credential FAQs Q: Does completion of On-the-Job Training (OJT) count as a credential? A: Completion of an OJT does not automatically count as a credential. If, however, the individual receives an industry-recognized certificate demonstrating attainment of technical or occupational skills as a result of the OJT, that certificate will count. Q: Can a certificate of attendance or a sign-in sheet be used to verify a credential? A: Because skills gained must be measurable, a certificate of attendance or sign in sheet does not verify credential attainment. Q: Does a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certificate or an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certificate count as a credential? A: No. While CPR or OSHA training may provide benefit to participants as they begin to gain general knowledge about occupations and occupational standards, participants are unlikely to gain employment or advance within an occupation based solely upon receiving a CPR or OSHA certificate. Therefore, for all participants enrolled in the WIA following the initial effective date of the WIA Manual, CPR and OSHA certificates may not be reported as credentials.

Credential FAQs Continued Q: What if a participant successfully completes a college degree in August, but the university only issues diplomas in December and May? A: The student’s transcript will list the date of degree attainment as a date in August following completion of courses. This is the preferred method of reporting for these participants. Should the transcript not be available; or, in a rare event, list the date of attainment as the next mass graduation date (December), the local Michigan Works! Agency has two options: 1)Provide the participant with an appropriate additional service to extend enrollment to ensure the credential is in the file and entered in OSMIS prior to exit; or 2)Exit the participant with an OSMIS reminder set to obtain verification from the participant following the issuance of the official degree. Enter the attainment and the date of attainment (the date on the degree). The credential must be received prior to the end of the third quarter following the quarter of exit to count toward performance measures.

Credential FAQs Continued Q: Is a Certificate of Completion issued by a high school in lieu of a high school diploma an acceptable credential? A: No. The only equivalent that Michigan recognizes is a GED. The Certificate of Completion is not to be entered as a credential. Unfortunately, the WDA is unable to expand our definition beyond MDE guidance and reminds each agency that the WIA is service driven. This is in no way to change who is/is not to be enrolled. While The federal Individuals with Disabilities Act guarantees a Free and Appropriate Public Education, it does not provide a guarantee that a student with disabilities is entitled to a diploma. Diploma granting is a local board decision, but school boards now have specific graduation requirements they must address, and these are spelled out in state law. -Michigan Merit Curriculum High School Graduation Requirements, Updated September 2007

Workforce Development Board Approved Credentials If applicable, MWAs must submit a list of Workforce Development Board approved credentials prior to each review. Workforce Development Board approved credentials will not result in a positive performance outcome following the implementation of WIOA. MWAs will not be penalized for WDB approved credentials that meet the requirements as stated in TEGL 15-10, and were attained prior to the implementation of WIOA.

Will WIOA Require Data Validation? Yes. Per the Performance Accountability System Section, in preparing the State reports, each State shall establish procedures, consistent with guidelines issued by the Secretary, in conjunction with the Secretary of Education to ensure the information contained in the reports is valid and reliable. Section 116(d)(5)

But wait! There’s more! REDUCTION OF REPORTING BURDENS AND REQUIREMENTS In order to simplify reporting requirements and reduce reporting burdens, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish procedures and criteria under which a State board and local board may reduce reporting burdens and requirements under this Act (including the amendments made by this Act). WIOA Section 504

Promoting a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan.

What does this mean?

Functions of the Local Board now include: A description of how one-stop centers are implementing and transitioning to an integrated, technology-enabled intake and case management information system for programs carried out under this Act and programs carried out by one-stop partners WIOA Section 108(b)(21)

Promoting a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan.

Chelsea L. Mates Workforce Investment Act Specialist Workforce Development Agency State of Michigan Phone: (517) Fax: (517)

Promoting a flexible, innovative, and effective workforce system within the State of Michigan. Questions? Thank you for attending.