ALC 18 Bienvenida jueves el 6 de octubre
ALC 16 jueves el 6 de octubre Conjugate Pensar e-ie (to think) Morir o-ue (to die)
Objetivo jueves el 6 de octubre Yo puedo terminar los centros, completar la prueba de Colón, crear y decir 10 mandatos para un compañero, hacer una busca palabras.
Quiz El día de la raza # Nombre Clase Pd fecha
1 King
2 queen
3 Ship
4 Identify
7, 8, 9 Name the three ships of Columbus.
10 Write the date Columbus landed in the New World. Day - month - year.
11 Write-translate “Spain” to Spanish.
12, 13 In Spanish, write the two main colors on the Spanish flag.
14 Write what you know about el día de la raza using 100 words in Spanish or English. You have 8 minutes.
Exchange papers Use your highlighter to mark those answers that are incorrect.
1 King Rey
2 Queen Reina
3 Ship Barco
4 Identify Reina Isabel I
5 Identify Rey Fernando I
6 Identify Christopher Columbus/Cristóbal Colón
7, 8, 9 Name the three ships of Columbus. Niña Pinta Santa María
10 Write the date Columbus landed in the New World. El 12 de octubre 1492
11 Write-translate “Spain” to Spanish. España
12, 13 Write the two main colors on the Spanish flag. Rojo Amarillo
14 Write what you know about el día de la raza using 100 words in Spanish or English. You have 8 minutes. Count the number of words they have. Write the number to the left in the margin.
Centers Conjugar complete sheet – 40 points Escuchar – DVD 20 points Leer – la llorona complete sentences - 20 pts Buscapalabras find all of the words - 20 points; translate all of the words – 20 points Total for centers 120 points.
Conjugar What I should be able know. Know how to conjugate stem changing verbs, irregular verbs, commands and regular verbs. Know the meanings of the verbs in English and Spanish. How I am to learn it. Fill in the verb chart with the correct verb conjugations
Escuchar What I am to be able to do I can answer the questions asked about the movie. How I can do it. I can watch and listen to the movie for the answers. I can replay the part if I miss it.
Leer What I should be able to do. I should be able to read in Spanish and understand what I read. How I can measure if I understood the reading. I can answer the comprehension questions.
Buscapalabras What I will be able to do I can recognize some stem changing verbs in Spanish and make sure I learn their meanings and find them in a word search. How will I be able to learn the verbs I will do a word search. I learn the words by repeating the word as I search for it. I can further learn the word by writing the English.
New word search Write the words onto your flash cards. Practice learning, memorizing all of the verbs, – Top 25 – Irregulars – Stem changers
Board game. 6 Groups of 4 Number off in the room 1-6 Number each person in the group goes to the board Keep track of your points. Write the infinitive and the conjugation.