Electrical Terms OSHAOSHA Pot Luck GFCIGFCI Ohms Law GroundingGrounding
Explain why electrical current goes to ground Explain why electrical current goes to ground
What are the three key elements of Ohm’s Law What are the three key elements of Ohm’s Law
The primary purpose of the GFCI The primary purpose of the GFCI
To protect people To protect people
The correct names of the conductors The correct names of the conductors in a standard circuit in a standard circuit
Grounded conductor Grounded conductor Ungrounded conductor Ungrounded conductor Grounding conductor Grounding conductorGrounding Grounded Ungrounded
What OSHA considers low voltage What OSHA considers low voltage
Under 600 Volts Under 600 Volts
Limits current, drops voltage & produces heat Limits current, drops voltage & produces heat