Slide 1 of 139/2010 Industrial Crafts and Technical Careers A Profitable Choice 2nd Pre-Event Learning Point
Slide 2 of 139/2010 What Do People in Craft and Technical Careers Do Everyday?
Slide 3 of 139/2010 Craftsmen Build and Maintain the Piping, Electrical, and Instrument Systems, as well as the Vessels and Buildings, Needed for Industrial Facilities Career Craftsmen in the Construction Industry Build and Maintain the Industrial Facilities that Provide Energy and Materials to the Public INDUSTRIAL CRAFT AND TECHNICAL CAREERS
Slide 4 of 139/2010 Healthcare Providers and Business Professionals Primarily Work with Patients and Customers to Satisfy the Business Goals of the Employer People in other Technical Careers are Employed to Operate and Maintain Businesses and Industries or to Provide Services in a Functional Position INDUSTRIAL CRAFT AND TECHNICAL CAREERS
Slide 5 of 139/2010 What Kind of Education is Required for Craft and Technical Careers ?
Slide 6 of 139/2010 What Kind of Work Would You Enjoy? Step 1 What Skills Will You Need? Step 2 What School Do You Need To Attend? Step 3 DETERMINING YOUR CAREER PATH
Slide 7 of 139/2010 It is a Rewarding Career Eye/ Hand Coordination Manual Dexterity Ability to Communicate Effectively Ability to Follow Safety Rules Ability to be a Team Player Step 2 Skills Needed for an Industrial Career
Slide 8 of 139/ Weeks to 2 Years of Education You May Have the Opportunity to Work While You Are in Technical School Step 1 An Entry Level Technical Worker can Earn $16/ Hour as an Apprentice Worker While Attending Classes Industrial Crafts and Technical Careers
Slide 9 of 139/2010 It is a Rewarding Career Step 2 These Skills Provide Development of Maturity, Work Experience, Income, and a Lifelong Career Path Trade and Technical Skills are Yours Forever YOU NEVER LOSE THEM
Slide 10 of 139/2010 Safety Training is a Mandatory Part of Technical/Career Training It May Seem like Dangerous Work, But Recent Data from OSHA Shows the Safety of Technical Work Compares Favorably With other Jobs in our Society WHAT ABOUT SAFETY?
Slide 11 of 139/2010 Safety Training is a Mandatory Part of Technical/Career Training Workers are at Greater Risk while Traveling To and From Work than While Working on the Job in Business or Industry WHAT ABOUT SAFETY?
Unintentional Injury Deaths At-Risk Behavior Can Be Found EVERYWHERE
Slide 13 of 139/2010 Click: (Parents/Students Tab; Career and Technical Information Link; 2011 Career Discovery Day Pre-Event Lesson Plan Link) To Access the Supplemental Resources: Instructional Designer: Devaney Bourque, MS PPG Industries, Lake Charles