December 12, 2008
Dr. Les Wong, President
(1980 – 2003 Cohorts)
(1993 – 2002 Cohorts)
(1993 – 2003 Cohorts)
(1998 – 2006 Cohorts) YearNumber 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5+ Years %25.7%32.4%42.9% %17.6%23.5%28.4% %18.3%24.8%40.5% %22.6%33.5%43.9% %9.2%13.5%26.2% %14.4%23.5%34.6% %9.6%15.0%n/a %10.4%n/a %n/a IR/PBD Includes those who ladder up to an associate or baccalaureate degree (including degree date)
(1998 – 2006 Cohorts) YearNumber 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years >4 Years %17.2%41.4%48.3%65.5% %9.7%16.1%22.6%29.0% %15.8%21.1% 42.1% %27.7%36.2%42.6%51.1% %19.3%29.8%35.1%38.6% %10.0%21.7%25.0%31.7% %26.9%34.6%35.9%n/a %11.3%23.9%n/a %23.3%n/a Includes those who ladder up to an associate or baccalaureate degree (including degree date) IR/PBD
(1998 – 2006 Cohorts) YearNumber 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years >4 Years %13.9%17.6%20.4%38.8% %17.9%20.5%22.3%45.5% %16.9%20.3%20.9%40.5% %23.0%23.7%28.9%43.0% %10.7%13.4% 23.5% %9.8%12.2%17.1%26.8% %15.6% 21.3%n/a %15.9%18.1%n/a %20.1%n/a IR/PBD Includes those who ladder up to an associate or baccalaureate degree (including degree date)
(1993 – 2003 Cohorts)
Dr. Susan Koch Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
State 2007/2008 Total International Students Tuition and Fees (millions) Living Expenses and Dependents (millions) U.S. Support (millions) Total Contribution (millions) U.S. Total623,805$10,639.1$11,391.6$6,487.5$15,543.1
State 2007/2008 Total International Students Tuition and Fees (millions) Living Expenses and Dependents (millions) U.S. Support (millions) Total Contribution (millions) California85,009$1,376.2$1,846.5$770.5$2,452.3 New York69,9401, ,952.7 Texas51, ,055.4 Massachusetts31, ,004.0 Pennsylvania25, Illinois28, Florida26, Michigan22, Ohio19, Indiana15, Top 10 States Source: Open Doors Report
Country Number of Students % Increase From Previous Year % of Total Foreign Students in U.S. India94, China81, South Korea69, Japan33, Canada29, Taiwan29, Mexico14, Turkey12, Saudi Arabia 9, Thailand 9, Total$382, % Source: Open Doors Report
Primary Source of Funding % of Total Personal and family funds62.3 U.S. college or university25.9 Home government/university3.4 U.S. government0.5 U.S. private sponsor1.0 Foreign private sponsor1.0 International organization0.2 Current employment4.7 Other sources1.0 Source: Open Doors Report
Field of Study % of Total Business and Management19.6 Engineering17.0 Physical and Life Sciences9.3 Social Sciences8.7 Mathematics and Computer Sciences8.2 Fine and Applied Arts5.6 Health Professions5.1 Intensive English Language4.6 Undeclared3.4 Education3.1 Humanities3.1 Agriculture1.6 Other10.8 Source: Open Doors Report
UniversityIn-StateOut-of-StateInternational University of Michigan – Ann Arbor$11,038$33,069 Michigan State University10,214 25,672 Central Michigan University 9,270 22,590 Michigan Technological University10,761 22,522 Eastern Michigan University 8,15721,55221,464 Oakland University 8,05518,803 Western Michigan University 8,22818,720 University of Michigan – Dearborn 8,52718,612 Wayne State University 8,10917,379 Ferris State University 9,00015,90016,062 Lake Superior State University 7,89415,64815,788 University of Michigan – Flint 7,75114,96814,384 Saginaw Valley University 6,49214,890 Grand Valley State University 8,19612,510 Northern Michigan University 7,27811,230 Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education and Universities’ Web Pages
Year Number of Students 2001 – – – – – – – Source: NMU COGNOS Report
Source: International Programs Office Date Base CountryNumber of Students Canada23 Japan 5 Kenya 4 Sweden 4 India 3 Norway 3 Finland 3 Brazil 2 Nepal 2 South Korea 2 Turkey 2 Tanzania 2 Australia 1 Bahamas 1 Cameroon 1 Germany 1 Ghana 1 Hong Kong 1 Nigeria 1 Portugal 1 Saint Lucia 1 Thailand 1 Trinidad and Tobago 1 TOTAL (23 countries)66
Number of Students 2008 – 2009 Exchange Full Athletic Scholarship U.S. Governmental Support Full-Tuition Paying Source: NMU Financial Aid Office
Current recruitment efforts: advertising campaign, on the internet, and with print materials Participate in recruiting tours in: Canada Latin America Gulf States Asia Turkey Submit several grant applications Contact Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission Sign MOU with universities abroad International Speakers Series Source: International Programs Office
There is a need to create a “critical mass” of international students that will facilitate the recruitment of international students NMU has a comparative advantage, price-wise, for international students against any other Michigan universities NMU campus technology, including the laptop program, is very attractive to international students Location, recreation opportunities, and safety appeals to both students and parents; however, the weather is a concern for some Number of academic programs is another plus for recruiting international students MBA program will facilitate international recruitment efforts Lack of more flights in and out of Marquette is another constraint Cost of credential evaluations (NMU - $175 against $30 of other universities) increases the initial application expenditure
Continue and increase international recruitment efforts - major results will be seen from the third to fifth year Continue efforts to establish international exchange agreements Expand efforts to apply for international grants that include faculty and student exchange Establish articulation agreements with domestic community colleges with high numbers of international students (i.e., Oakland Community College with 1,200 international students) Increase the international academic award to the same level as the domestic out-of-state academic award ($2,200 - $3,500)