Carnegie Report 2009 “The Opportunity Equation: Transforming Mathematics and Science Education for Citizenship and the Global Economy”
Key Recommendations Mobilize the nation to improve mathematics and science education for all students Place mathematics and science at the center of school innovation, improvement, and accountability efforts
Recommendations for Colleges and Universities Raise awareness and build support in colleges and universities for stronger and more coherent mathematics and science preparation for all students Increase partnerships between higher education and k-12 systems to increase the number of students entering two-and four- year colleges well prepared and able to take up mathematics and science learning
What the Federal, State, and Local Governments Can Do Make improvement in mathematics and science outcomes, especially by historically underperforming groups, a benchmark in designing and evaluating school improvement efforts at all grade levels for all students Mount campaigns that generate public awareness of mathematics and science as central to the revitalization of the American economy and social mobility for young Americans
Standards and Assessments Establish common mathematics and science standards that are fewer, clearer, and higher and that stimulate and guide instructional improvement and galvanize the nation to pursue meaningful mathematics and science learning for all Americans
Governors and States Urged to participate in the National Governors Association Common Core Standards Initiative Work with other states and with K-12 and higher education systems to develop common standards Explore the feasibility of offering a rigorous mathematics pathway to college for secondary students
The Obama Plan for Community Colleges IntheCenter of his plans to revitalize the American Economy Newspending for job training programs, improvements inbasicskillseducation, facilities, and free online education ($ 9 billion)
Obama Plan Has a goal of assisting an additional five million Americans to earn degrees and certificates at community colleges Plan to be supported by ending the subsidies paid to banks and private lenders for student loans
The Path of Many Journeys: The Benefits of Higher Education for Native People and Communities Report by the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) in collaboration with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) and the American Indian College Fund (AICF)
The Path of Many Journeys Enhance the development of TCUs to better serve students through increased support under Title III of the Higher Education Act Provide vital services to support basic enhancements to curriculum, faculty development, and infrastructure costs at TCUs
The Path of Many Journeys Increase funding for the operating expenses of TCUs and increase the level authorized under the Tribally Controlled College or University Assistance Act of 1978 Increase the capacity of TCUs to serve students by increasing support for facilities and critical infrastructure needs
National Indian Education Association Recommendations Strengthen the governance of Native education at the Department of Education Support the maintenance and survival of Native American languages in accordance with various statutes Issue an Executive Order on Indian Education that promotes interagency collaborations, the use of research based practices in Indian education, and the use of Native language instruction and culturally based education in public and federally funded schools
National Indian Education Association Recommendations Address teacher and school leadership quality and recruitment efforts for Native communities Improve funding for Indian education at the Departments of Education, Interior, and Health and Human Services Convene a White House Conference on the needs of Native youth