F RATERNITY & S ORORITY L IFE Delta Upsilon Presentation Spring Carnival 2011 April 16, :00PM University Center
Intro S TUDENT L IFE S TAFF Monica Bebie Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Life Housefellow for Fraternities and Sororities Ariel Weaver Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Life Housefellow for Fraternities and Sororities Dominick Williams Graduate Assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life Lucas Christian Associate Director of Student Life
G REEK I NTERNS Mallory Elbert Greek Intern Greek Advisory Board Chair Amanda Gobaud Greek Intern Greek Advisory Board Chair
T HE R OLE OF THE S TUDENT L IFE O FFICE Advise and Provide Resources for all Greek Organizations and Governing Bodies. Provide Opportunities that Emphasize Community Engagement and Social Responsibility. Actively Support the Personal and Professional Development of Students.
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION A DVISEMENT OF F RATERNITIES & S ORORITIES Advise and work with the students and the groups that want to better their organizations. Meet the organizations where they are at and acknowledge improvement. Focus is on progressive growth over time. Set standards for groups to provide a framework for expectations.
M EMBERSHIP 22 Active Fraternities and Sororities at Carnegie Mellon. Approximately 1,045 Students are Members of a Fraternity or Sorority. Reflects 18% of the Undergraduate population. Average chapter size IFC Fraternities: 51 Members PHA Sororities: 80 Members MGC Chapters: 31 Members 416 undergrads Joined Greek Organizations this year!
G OVERNING B ODIES Greek Advisory Board IFC Fraternities (10) Colonies (1) PHA Sororities (5) MGC Fraternities (2) Sororities (2) NPHC Fraternities (2) Sororities (1)
Alpha Epsilon Pi Beta Theta Pi Delta Tau Delta Kappa Sigma Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi (colony Fall 10) Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Tau Gamma Sigma Nu *Delta Upsilon will be colonizing Fall 2011 I NTERFRATERITY C OUNCIL C HAPTERS
P ANHELLENIC A SSOCIATION C HAPTERS Alpha Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Kappa Gamma
M ULTICULTURAL G REEK C OUNCIL C HAPTERS The first Asian American organization to be founded at Carnegie Mellon was in 2001 There are 22 national Asian American fraternities Asian American groups are young organizations; the Alpha chapters began being formed in 1980 Sororities alpha Kappa Delta Phi Kappa Phi Lambda Fraternities Lambda Phi Epsilon Pi Delta Psi Iota Nu Delta -colonizing in the Fall 2011
E NHANCING THE G REATER C AMPUS C OMMUNITY 59% of Active Greek Members Reported Involvement in Other Campus Organizations Many Greeks Hold Leadership Positions Greeks Play a Huge Role in Spring Carnival Events such as “Buggy” and “Booth”
The average QPA for the Greek community is 3.11 The average PHA QPA is a 3.17 The average IFC QPA is 3.11 The average MGC QPA is 2.94 During the Fall Semester: Greek Community Completed 9,040 hours of service. Raised $29,355 for philanthropic organizations. S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION R UNNING THE N UMBERS Fall 2010: 8 Greek Organizations had a Chapter QPA above the all-University Average (3.18) Alpha Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta Kappa Alpha Theta Alpha Epsilon Pi Beta Theta Pi Delta Tau Delta Kappa Sigma Sigma Phi Epsilon
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION A C OMMITMENT TO THE C OMMUNITY The Greek community contributed Over 9,040 Hours of Community Service in the Fall 2010 semester. Individual chapters raised $29,355 for charity in the Fall 2010 semester. Greek Sing 2011 raised over $39,000 for the Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh.
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION A BOVE AND B EYOND Service Hours Beta Theta Pi – 1,379 hours in the Fall semester Sigma Phi Epsilon – 1,541 hours in the Fall semester Delta Tau Delta – averaged 77 hours of service per brother in the Fall semester Monetary Contributions: Sigma Alpha Epsilon ($10,891) for the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Kappa Sigma ($5,353) for The Western PA Humane Society Kappa Alpha Theta ($3,880) for CASA
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION D EVELOPING S TRONG Y OUNG L EADERS Limitless Leadership Opportunities at the Chapter Level and in Governing Bodies “Emerging Greek Leaders” Program Identifies Young Members who Exemplify Superior Leadership Skills Over 45 EGL participants this year. Rho Lambda Honorary Society- Recognizes Panhellenic Women Exhibiting Leadership in the Community Inducted 8 New Members in Fall 2010
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION E NHANCING THE G REATER C AMPUS C OMMUNITY Chapters implement approximately 60 Educational Programs each Semester. Programs are Extended to the Greater Campus Community. Greek Organizations Sponsor Several External Programs and Guest Speakers each Year.
R ECENT / C URRENT E VENTS Greek Sing Booth Buggy Mr. Fraternity Tri-Delta Spaghetti dinner Sigma Phi Epsilon Battle of the Bands Badge Day Role Model Reception Almost Midnight Breakfast Panhellenic Scholarship Greek Week Anchor Slam Wing-a-thon Halloween on the Quad Donut Dash AND MUCH MORE!!!
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION R ECENT I NITIATIVES U NIVERSITY AND C HAPTERS Greek Life Advisory Committee Orchestrates a strategic plan for Greek Life. Assessment of the Greek Community (Summer 2008) Standards of Excellence (rolled out Spring 2008) Assessment of the IFC (Fall 2007) Ongoing assessment and development of the Greek community Healthy Greeks Stronger Partnerships with the Chapter Advisors, National Offices, and Alumni Strength in the community Self Governance
S TANDARDS OF E XCELLENCE 10 standards that we expect fraternal organizations would strive for Academics New Member Education Recruitment Member Development Alumni Development Crisis Management Financial Management Facilities Management
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION P ARTNERSHIPS WITH N ATIONAL O FFICES For the past four years our focus has been at developing strong partnerships with the National Offices, Advisors and Faculty & Staff. Firm belief that our chapters are only as strong as their national offices and advisors. Encourage and recognize attenance at national conferences and conventions.
Intro W ELCOME O VERVIEW F UTURE O UTLOOK R ECENT C HANGES S CHOLARSHIP & S ERVICE L EADERSHIP & E DUCATION S TRENGTH OF THE C OMMUNITY Chapters taking ownership of their experience. Seen an increase in the engagement of IFC and MGC. Chapters empowered to self govern. Community showing signs of strength each year.
F RATERNITY & S ORORITY L IFE Delta Upsilon Presentation Spring Carnival 2011 April 16, :00PM University Center