Community Resource Presentation Methods of Teaching Social Studies Taylor Aschenbrenner Carnegie Science Center & Sport Works
Standard: PA History: C: Explain how continuity and change in world history have influenced personal development and identity. Commerce and industry Technology
Admissions Includes: Science Center USS Requin Submarine Sport Works Price: Adult $17.95 Children $11.95 Extras: Omnimax Shows $5 with admission
Carnegie Science Center Four Floors: 1. Body tech 2. Roboworld &Miniature Railroad
Carnegie Science Center continued… 3. Sea Scape 4. Air Power
USS Requin Submarine Explore inside a real life-sized submarine View exhibits of artifacts from 1945 that were on the submarine
Sport Works 30 Interactive Experiences Experiences are in 3 thematic areas: 1. Life Works 2. Physics of Sports 3. Sport Challenge
Teacher Resources-Field Trip! Field Trips: $8 a person (for groups of 15 or more) Includes Science Center USS Requin Submarine Sport Works One Omnimax theater show $5 if field trip is between September through January
Connections to Social Studies Hands-on things that deal with socials studies such as… *Experience a earthquake *Use a weather map
Visit there website to see all the fun things they have in store!