Hoy es lunes, el 5 de enero. Esponja: With a partner, use your notes to explain what each sentence means. 1. Yo cocino la carne. 2. Lucia bebe el jugo de manzana. 3. No nos gusta comer verduras. 4. Ellos comen cereales. 5. Tú no bebes leche.
Ms. T wants to finish going over the last C/E assessments with you all While she is doing that, you will be outlining a goal and an action plan for achieving it Your plan should explain at least 2 strategies you will use to accomplish your goals It should also include 2 problems you might face and how you would overcome those On Friday, you will be writing an extended response on this If you are awesome, you get…
Tuesday: All about Eva Peron Wednesday: All about Pablo Neruda Thursday: Review food vocab and discuss final project Friday: Write Goal paragraph!
Hoy es martes, el 6 de enero. Esponja: In your groups, discuss the quote and answer the questions below. “Charity separates the rich from the poor; aid raises the needy and sets him on the same level with the rich.” (Eva Peron) 1. What is the difference between charity and aid? 2. What do you think the quote means? 3. Why would Eva Peron (wife of populist President Juan D. Peron) say this? 4. What does it reflect about her beliefs?
Ms. T wants to finish going over the last C/E assessments with you all While she is doing that, you will be reading about Eva Peron Read, highlight and annotate the article When you’ve finished, quietly discuss the article with a group member Be prepared to share your ideas as a class If you are awesome, you get…
Hoy es miércoles, el 7 de enero. Esponja: In your groups, discuss the quote and answer the questions below. “Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.” (Pablo Neruda) 1. What does unfailingly mean? 2. What does bitter mean? 3. What do you think the quote means? 4. What might this tell you about Pablo Neruda?
We’ll start by discussing Pablo Neruda Then, Ms. T wants to finish going over the last C/E assessments with you all While that is going on, you will be working on your goal outline!
Born and raised in Chile Real name: Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Mother died Young Began to write poetry around age 10 Father didn’t want him to be a poet Diplomat Lived in several countries Very connected to South Asia Later worked in Spain (through Civil War) Began to follow and celebrate communism Chilean Senator in 1946 Exiled from Chile by right-wing government Poetry Love poems Poems that reflected his experiences Epic poem about Chile Odes to simple things Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971
“Poetry” by Pablo Neruda And it was at that age...Poetry arrived in search of me. I don't know, I don't know where it came from, from winter or a river. I don't know how or when, no, they were not voices, they were not words, nor silence, but from a street I was summoned, from the branches of night, abruptly from the others, among violent fires or returning alone, there I was without a face and it touched me.
Hoy es jueves, el 8 de enero. No esponja today! First, let’s discuss your food quiz (next Friday) Then, let’s talk about your final project! Monday will be a work day for you—please come ready to prep for your presentation or your food project!
Food Beverages Verbs (comer, beber, cocinar)
Hoy es viernes, el 9 de enero. No esponja today! Please take out a pen or pencil and your goal outline. You have the rest of the class period to write your extended response about your personal goal. Turn it in when you are finished! Monday will be a work day for you—please come ready to prep for your presentation or your food project!
Describe a personal goal you have for yourself. Explain 2 strategies you have that will help you attain this goal. Identify 2 challenges you might face and explain how you will overcome them. Don’t forget to use signal words in your explanations!