Illnesses, symptoms and treatment


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Presentation transcript:

Illnesses, symptoms and treatment HEALTH Illnesses, symptoms and treatment

What do they do ? a. Heart pumps your blood b. Lungs help you breathe c. Muscles help you move d. Bones hold you up e. Kidneys clean your blood f. Brain thinks and controls the body g. Stomach digests your food h. Joints connect the bones


Illnesses 1. bruise 9. toothache 2. backache 10. earache 3. fever 11. cough 4. high blood pressure 12. cold 5. burn 13. stomach ache 6. cut 14. sore throat 7. sprain (as in sprained ankle) 15. dizziness 8. rash 16. headache

Translate the expressions chickenpox rash pneumonia stroke hay fever cancer appendicitis insomnia food poisoning excessive sweating eye condition lose conciousness feel dizzy, feel drowsy, terminally ill severe fever sprained ankle bedridden

Giving Advice / Remedies You should... 1. Use a heating pad, get bed rest, and don’t lift heavy things. 2. Drink hot tea with lemon and don’t talk too much. 3. Drink a lot of liquids and stay in bed. 4. Lie down, put a pillow under your foot, and use an ice pack on your ankle. 5. Take two aspirin and lie down to rest. 6. Take cough syrup. 7. Take aspirin for pain and see a dentist! 8. Do not go outside on a windy day. Use a hot water bottle for pain.

Describe the picture

Translate first aid kit , crutches , plaster , sling , (plaster) cast, bruise, faint, stitches , scar, blood donor, casualty, sloping position, obstruction in the airway, the chest fall repeats, artificial respiration, heating pad, digest, operating theatre, deaf, dumb, jaundice, measles, mumps

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie reklamy leków Usłyszysz dwukrotnie reklamy leków. Do każdej reklamy (1 – 5) dopasuj sytuację, w której dany lek byłby odpowiedni (A – F). 1..... 2.....3...... 4...... 5...... A. You have problems with your voice. B. Your skin is very sensitive. C. You're in so much pain that you can't stand noise. D. You're stressed out and feel tired in the morning. E. You can't move properly. F. You've been sneezing and coughing

Do the crossword and the quiz

Fill the gaps below with the following words Fill the gaps below with the following words. sprain first aid kit crutches plaster sling (plaster) cast bruise faint stitches scar blood donor 1. A ........... is a mark on your skin, often a white line, where the skin healed after a deep cut. 2. A .................... is a box which contains medical equipment which is useful in an emergency. 3. If you break a bone in your leg the doctor sets the leg in a ..................................which stays on for about six weeks. 4. If you cut yourself you put a ............................on the cut to protect it. 5. A ................................ is someone who donates some of their own blood to help people who have lost too much blood. 6. If you have a deep cut a doctor needs to close it with ........................... 7. If you hurt your arm or shoulder you may need to rest your arm in a ............................. 8. You .................... when you lose consciousness because your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. 9. A .................... is a mark on your skin which appears after bumping against something hard. The skin changes colour from blue or purple to red and yellow over a few days. 10. You ................... your wrist or ankle when you twist it too far. 11. You use a pair of ......................... to help you walk if you have hurt one of your legs or feet.

Choose the correct word and answer the questions 1. What would you do if you had a sudden abdominal pain/ache? 2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt/ache when you are being given an injection in your arm? 3. If you stay on your feet all day (in comfortable shoes), do your feet hurt/ache in the evening? 4. Have you ever stepped on something sharp and hurt/injured your foot? When? Where? 5. Have you ever worn shoes which were too tight and hurt/injured your feet? 6. Have you ever hurt/injured someone emotionally? 7. What would you do to help people who had been hurt/injured in an accident? 8. Do you think paramedics should deal with the hurt/injured at the scene of the incident or just stabilise the patient and take them to hospital?

Below is a step-to-step guide to artificial respiration Below is a step-to-step guide to artificial respiration. Put the jumbled sentences in the right order by numbering them (1-7).

The Kiss of Life A...If the chest doesn’t rise, check the casualty’s head and repeat the process again. 1. Lie the casualty on his back and move his head into a sloping position. And support the back of his neck with the other hand. B... If it doesn’t rise after this, check for an obstruction in the airway. C...The chest fall repeats, the casualty gets enough oxygen and his colour changes from a blue grey pallor towards pinkness. D...Keep the chin up and blow air deeply into either the mouth or the nose of the casualty until the chest rises. E... Make sure the breathing continues. F....Remove your mouth and allow the air to escape from the lungs. Watch the chest fall repeat.

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