La Comida De España
Ingredientes Típicos Aceite de Oliva Jamón Serrano Quesos Diferentes Ajo Mariscos Chorizo Huevos Papas / Patatas Pan Conejo Aceitunas Atún
Platos Típicos Varias Tapas Tortilla de Patata Paella Camarones y otros mariscos
El Desayuno Breakfast is MUCH smaller than an American breakfast. pan con tomate, pan dulce, pan con marmolada and they always have café con leche Younger Spaniards have Cola Cao with breakfast instead of café. similar to hot chocolate
El Almuerzo / La Comida El almuerzo is the largest meal of the day in Spain and occurs around 2 o’clock Most people, especially those in smaller towns, leave work and school, and go home for lunch Businesses and schools shut down from 2-5, so that everyone can enjoy this meal with their families…especially in smaller towns.
El Almuerzo/La Comida Soup or salad is usually served and bread is always on the table Most people have dessert with lunch Tortilla Española, Ensalada Rusa, Jamón, Conejo, Cordero, o Paella Restaurants serve many different lunch options, including traditional Italian or Mexican food
La Siesta La siesta occurs right after lunch People sleep for about two hours to escape both the heat of the day and to rest from their large meal Some people do not sleep, but instead go to a park or pool to rest and relax for a few hours Most people return to work and shops reopen around 5 o’clock Some schools have students return for night classes as well
La Merienda Spaniards have a merienda usually around 10 in the morning and also around 6 at night The morning snack usually occurs in cafes and is a social time The morning snack consists of more café con leche, pan dulce, or pan chocolate The evening snack is usually pan con jamón or queso or a slice of tortilla
La Cena & Las Tapas Spain is famous for these “ small plates ”. People go to tapas bars after the siesta and up until dinner time or after their evening snack for late night treats. It is a very social thing-many families and friends join together for this meal Groups travel from bar to bar, having a different tapa at each place
Las Tapas Tapas can be as simple as olives and nuts in bowls but most people prefer to order off the hot and cold menu Tapas Calientes: Tortilla de Patata, Patatas Bravas, Camarones, Croquetas de Jamón o Pollo, Atún, Pan con jamón, Chorizo, y Queso, Empanadas,y,Calamares Fritos
Las Tapas Tapas are becoming very popular all over the world, including in the United States All major cities, including Pittsburgh, now have tapas restaurants Many people believe the “Mediterranean” diet is a way to stay slimmer because they eat smaller portions throughout the day and tapas fall into this type of diet, thus increasing their popularity
Los Postres Since Spaniards stay up so late, dessert options are very popular Many cafes and restaurants stay open way past normal American closing times and serve tapas and postres until the morning hours The most popular late night dessert is churros con chocolate Spaniards also enjoy flan, which is a cheesecake like dessert