1 The path to the cemetery entrance has a line-up of 1,392 poles. Each pole representing each day the military hospital was open. On each pole there is a mark, which represents each casualty who died on that day.
2 The rows, upon rows of those who died in the Casualty Clearing Station at Lijssenthoek
Lijssenhoek Military Cemetery Began as a Casualty Clearing station and Hospital in June 1915 Close to the main line of communication and the battlefield and out of the range of enemy forces for the majority of the war. 4 large Field Hospitals and 4 large Casualty Clearing Stations at Lijssenthoek 4,000 beds were available at the hospital complex 10,784 Buried within the cemetery 9,877 casualties are Identified 30 different nationalities are buried within the cemetery It is the largest hospital cemetery in Belgium 3
Using the CWGC database, investigate one casualty buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery. Select ‘find a cemetery’, enter ‘Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery’. Choose a casualty from the list. During the lesson, and for your homework, you need to investigate : Name Birth/Death Regiment Where he was based during the war Role, duties and responsibilities within the war How he died Headstone Where he is buried within the cemetery Extra information could be: Photo Life before the war Where he lived before the war Personal information 4
5 Extra websites to aid your research
6 Plot each of your casualties on the map