The Game Plan for Loran-C Modernization John J. Macaluso U. S. Coast Guard Mitchell J. Narins U. S. Federal Aviation Administration International Loran Association Boulder, Colorado November 4, 2003
Introduction Purpose of Loran-C Modernization Overall Enhanced-Loran Context Loran Recapitalization Project –Status –Plans (Order of Lorsta Conversion) –Modernized Coverage in 2004
Purpose of Loran-C Modernization GPS and GPS augmentation services Volpe Vulnerability Study, –Timing, multimodal transportation –Intentional and unintentional interference –Consequences of loss of GPS –Mitigation strategies & technologies Loran-C has potential as GPS back-up
Potential of Loran-C Loran-C and GPS are complementary Both provide timing, positioning & nav info GPS is worldwide Loran-C operates where concerns are greatest Different strengths & weaknesses Loran-C requires modernization
“Enhanced Loran” Antenna technology Blink Communications using the Loran signal Differential Loran Early skywave & other integrity issues Time-of-Transmission Control Calibration of Loran System Loran Recapitalization Project
24 Coast Guard-operated Lorstas CONUS & Alaska Lorstas operating –Vacuum-tube transmitters (TTX) –Solid State transmitters (Legacy-SSX) –Control & Monitoring System (LCCS) New Equipment –Solid State Transmitter (NSSX) –Timing & Frequency Equipment (TFE) –Control & Monitoring Equipment (NLCCS)
Paths to Modernization Legacy-SSX Lorsta Conversion (13 each) –Install new TFE & integrate with Legacy SSX Vacuum-tube Lorsta Conversion (11 each) –Construct new transmitter building –Build/install new transmitter (NSSX) –Install new TFE Control Station (2 each) –Install new LCCS at Navcen East & West
First Modernized Lorsta Lorsta George, WA –Vacuum-tube transmitter –Converted to NSSX on 23 Oct 2003 –Casualty - reverted to TTX on 29 Oct 2003 –Troubleshooting currently underway Signal can be monitored by NIST, TSC Involves Canadian government early
Expected Coverage of Lorsta George
Coverage Adding Dana, Seneca, Baudette
Coverage Adding Malone & Boise City
Chain-by-Chain Conversion Great Lakes Chain (GLKS) US West Coast Chain (USWC) Northeast US Chain (NEUS) Southeast US Chain (SEUS) South Central US Chain (SOCUS) North Central US Chain (NOCUS) Gulf of Alaska Chain (GOA) North Pacific Chain (NORPAC)
Conclusion Lorsta George – First converted Lorsta GLKS – First converted Loran chain Chain-by-chain conversion –CONUS Lorstas –Alaskan Lorstas Several other “Enhanced Loran” initiatives Loran-C positioned to serve the nation
Questions John J. Macaluso USCG Loran Support Unit (609) Mitchell J. Narins U. S. Federal Aviation Administration (202)