Vichar Manthan Institute of Personality Development & Disaster Management Nischay Kar Apni Jeet Karon Excellence in Action Deputy Commissioner’s Office Bathinda
Institutional Arrangements Initiate the process of making a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan. Constitution of Local Crises Management Group vides Chemical Accident (Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Response) Rules Constitute, Local Disaster Management Authorities vide Section 43 within the meaning of Section 2 clause (h) of Disaster Management Act 2005.((h) (“local authority” includes panchayati raj institutions, municipalities, a district board, cantonment board, town planning authority or Zila Parishad or any other body or authority, by whatever name called, for the time being invested by law, for rendering essential services or, with the control and management of civic services, within a specified local area) Training Calendar for the years Open a District Disaster Management Training Centre by pooling resources. Approach the State Disaster Management Authority to constitute an Advisory Committee for Bathinda District under the provisions of Disaster Management Act Section 17(1
Role of Educational Institutions Explicitly implement the instructions approved by the UGC vide their D. 0. No.14- 5/2007(CPP-II) 29 November 2012 for the “introduction of an optional paper on Disaster Management at UG level across the universities/colleges and introduce Disaster Management as one of the topics in Orientation and Refresher Courses offered by the Academic Staff Colleges".
Role of Educational Institutions Act as Human Resource Centers for Disaster Management. Systematic training of NCC and NSS Volunteers to constitute Expert Teams for providing appropriate Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) Central University to act as Nodal University to lay down and coordinate training of College Students. Undertake Research and Survey to assist for the administration for monitoring of environment and safety standards
School Education Department Implement the directions passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India regarding FIRE SAFETY MEASURES IN SCHOOLS, TRAINING OF SCHOOL TEACHERS & OTHER STAFF, constitution of the Inspection Team and observing 14 April as Fire Safety Day vide their order on the dated 13 April 2009 on the WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO.483 OF Implement the Guidelines given the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on School Buses. Preparation of School DM Plans.
District Police Institute check on Training of Security Agencies as per THE PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES (REGULATION) ACT, 2005 Private Security Regulatory Act and recommend cancellation of license of defaulting Agencies to the Controlling Authority. Training of Police Personal in Crowd Management Duties.
Health Department Prepare Mass Casualty Management Plan. Institute Special measures to look after the Children affected by Disaster with the help of District Programme Officer for Child Development.
Directorate of Factories Institute strict monitoring norms for Personal and Environmental Safety in Industry. Preparation/updating of Onsite and Offsite plans. Ensure conduct of Mock Drills as laid down in the Industries Act for Most Accident Hazard Units
Building Industry Building Industry in Bathinda is expanding exponentially. It is imperative that lay down building codes are explicatively followed. Construction Departments at Bathinda Development Authority and Municipal Corporation/ Committees examine the construction in any area in the district and if they are of the opinion that the standards for the prevention of disaster or mitigation laid down for such construction is not being or has not been followed will report these infringements to the Chairman DDMA, who may direct the concerned authority to take such action as may be necessary to secure compliance of such standards. Auth (DM Act 2005 Section 30 Clause xxiii.)
Building Industry Building Industry will train the mesons and carpenters for disaster safe construction as laid down by the National Disaster Management Authority. They will also keep Collapsed Structure Search And Rescue QRT to assist the ESF 3 (Search & Rescue Operation – ESF 7 Debris Clearance
Conclusion Enumerated above are few of the important issues as these pertain to Bathinda District, however, many more issues will come up during the meeting with the stake holders which we need immediate attention. These guidelines are dynamic in nature and will need to be reviewed at regular intervals. The main aim of these guidelines is to prepare a comprehensive Disaster Managing Plan for the District the target for which are need to be promulgated for compliance by all concerned agencies.
VMI’s Commitment Leave the District Disaster Management Challenges to Vichar Manthan Institute of Personality Development & Disaster Management