Christina Bickelmann, Water Conservation Specialist Arizona Department of Water Resources, Tucson Active Management Area
The Goal To save water by promoting irrigation efficiency in the landscape by more effectively zoning plants by water use. To develop a simple method of identifying low-water-use-plants in nurseries. To encourage the Tucson community to choose and group plants by water use & irrigation frequency.
Getting Started Develop the program concept and meet with wholesale nurseries to determine willingness to participate and to modifying their current labels to add a water use icon. Meet with a few Tucson independent retail nurseries to determine interest and get input on what promotional materials and customer information they would like developed to use in their nurseries. Based on input and review by nurseries – draft materials were developed, reviewed and finalized for a pilot program.
Irrigation Frequency Convene a group of plant experts to re-evaluate and update the existing plant list. Determine which plants would like the same irrigation frequency (zone). Assign water use numbers (1-3) to plants. Other considerations growing season, consistency with other programs…
Plant List Water Use Factors & Eto
Grouping Plants is as easy as 1, 2, 3
Promotional Materials for Retail Nurseries Posters UV stickers for nursery signage Handouts watering guidelines, program description, Tucson plant list
Implementation and Customization at Retail Nurseries
Benefits to Wholesale Nurseries n Once the water drop icons are in the database for the labeling system they become a component of the retail plant label along with barcodes and plant names making it an easy program to maintain. n Provides an extra service to retail nurseries that wholesalers that are not participating in the program cannot = increased sales. n The nursery is doing its part to reinforce and strengthen the need to conserve water!
Benefits to Retail Nurseries A great way to market low-water-use plants to customers. Provides a silent sales person since plants can be more easily identified allowing the customer to choose plants with less assistance. Its free… all materials are provided by ADWR at no charge to nurseries. Reinforces and strengthens the local water conservation ethic!
Benefits to the Property Owner Grouping plants by water use frequency and rooting depth saves water and allows for more efficient irrigation scheduling and better landscape management (happy plants)! Placing trees on separate valves from shrubs and groundcovers allows trees to be irrigated less frequently and deeply, therefore plants with shorter roots are not being over-irrigated!
Benefits to the Designer & Contractor n Use the program to market your company, educate your employee’s and increase your competitive edge. n An educated client that knows about the benefit of zoning plants will be willing to install a more efficient irrigation system. n A better irrigation clock and more valves = more $ in your pocket, easier maintenance & irrigation scheduling and hopefully fewer plant replacements!
Participation so far… n Wholesale Nurseries: Mountain States, V & P and Desert Trees… and more to come! n Retail Nurseries: 14 independent retail nurseries and all 6 Tucson Home Depots n Publicity: Tucson Water bill inserts; ANA tradeshow and magazine; Tucson Home Magazine article; Desert Horticulture Conference