Next Steps: Implementing Change in New York City
Background How Things are Done Now Typical Project Lead Times Specification of ‘What Is Local’ in Typical Project Documents
GOAL To Maximize the Amount of Plant Material Used in New York City Projects from “Local Genotypic” Material As Defined by a Set of Protocols Protocols yet to be Determined
Coordination of Project Information Establish an: Interagency Coordinating Committee Create a: 5-Year List Of Planned Projects Update Regularly (Quarterly, Semi-annually, & Annually)
Coordination of Project Information Generate a: Composite List of Projected Plant Needs Plant Needs Listed Incrementally: 3-months, 6-months, 1-Year, 2,3,4,5 Years
Coordination of Project Information Lists could be Updated over the Internet Lists could be Posted on the Internet
Establish Protocols For Determining “What Is Local” For New York City The Same Interagency Coordination Committee could: Establish, Review, Refine, Update, & Change Protocols as New Information becomes Available
Protocols State Generalizations (where possible) Establish a Hierarchy of Acceptable Criteria for Plant Procurement: Genetics, Seed Transfer Zones, Distances, Maps, etc.
Protocols Maintain Contact with Outside Experts Protocols should be Goals & Guidelines, not Hard and Fast Rules Need Graduate Students to do Basic Research
Improving Plant Procurement Work to gain acceptance of Local Genotypic Plant Material as more than just another “Off-The-Shelf Stock Item” Work To Change Procurement Policy
Improving Plant Procurement Increase Seed Banking of Local Genotypic Seed in New York City.
Improving Plant Procurement Increase Seed Banking of Local Genotype Seed in New York City. Establish The Native Plant Center as a Regional Active Seed Bank
Regional Active Seed Bank Dramatically Increases Number Of Species Seed Banked Dramatically Increases the Quantity Of Seeds Banked Native Plant Center has the Storage Capacity Native Plant Center already Records Provenance of all Seed and Plants at Nursery
Improving Plant Procurement More Contract Growing For Large-Scale Projects With Long Lead-Times
Improving Plant Procurement Establish a “New York City Certified Local Genotype” Nursery Stock Program Based on Protocols Established by Interagency Coordination Committee First Preference would be Given to Certified Nursery Stock (when available)
New York City Certified Local Genotype Commercial Nurseries would Voluntarily Join as Cooperators Certified Local Seed would be Provided by Native Plant Center to Cooperating Nurseries Cooperators would Grow “On Spec”, but would be Aided by: -the Composite List of Plant Needs and -the 5-Year List of Planned Projects
New York City Certified Local Genotype All Pre-certified Nurseries would be Eligible to Bid on Projects If Certified Plants were Unavailable, existing Specifications for Procurement could be Used
New York City Certified Local Genotype Would include Bulk Seed Products Native Plant Center Starting Program to Produce Founder Seed Stock Would be made Available to Commercial Growers to Produce “New York City Certified Local Genotype Bulk Seed”
Changing Policy Relevant Agency’s and Staff: Agency Chief Contracting Officers (ACCO’S) Agency Chief Consuls The Procurement Policy Board The Office of Management & Budget
Changing Policy Available Forums To Advocate Change: Mayor’s Office of Environmental Coordination Mayor’s Long-Term Strategic Planning Initiative (LTSPI) Mayor’s Task Force on Sustainability (TFS)
Changing Policy Mayor’s Task Force on Sustainability Add Preservation of Local Genotypes to the Sustainability Agenda
Changing Policy From The LTSPI/TSF Draft Document: Goals: Increase Environmentally Preferable Products for purchase Develop rules and polices Identification of environmentally preferable products for purchase Expand outreach, training and Demonstration Projects