Signing with Babies and Children - UK Progress Report COMENIUS - Tiny Signers March Lithuanian Deaf Association, Vilnius Presented by Vicki Gilbert BEd (HONS) This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Activities since Klagenfurt Summary of Main Project Activities: Development of curriculum and training course for Leeds City College (LCC) Students Study Visit to Vienna (Observation and participation in Kinderhände sessions, Presentation at BAKIP College, Visit to signing choir) Commencement of LCC Training Course Dissemination of results and development of local network Completion and distribution of sign graphics
September – December Activities WP1 – Creation of the local network Ongoing development of links with local nurseries, preschools and childrens’ centres, spreading the Tiny Signers techniques. WP2 – Developing and Adapting training programme on baby sign language to the specific needs of the new learning environments Development of Training Course for LCC (piloting the module as discussed last year) Working with students studying towards Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development. Development of curriculum, content, resources.
January – March Activities WP1 – Creation of the local network Further development of links - local nurseries, preschools and children’s centres, spreading the Tiny Signers techniques. Techniques being used in placement nurseries across West Yorkshire, schools and Children’s Centres where LCC students are attending. Attendance at a Local Pre-School Learning Alliance Event – signing with the children and making links with other organisations e.g. local preschool in Bradford and toddler group
January – March Activities continued WP2 – Developing and Adapting training programme on baby sign language to the specific needs of the new learning environments Further work and development of curriculum, content, resources for LCC Training Course (started January 2012)
Training Course (WP2) Module outline: Learning Outcomes: The student: –is able to understand the importance of knowledge / skills of sign communication with toddlers; –acquires the basic knowledge of sign communication with toddlers; –is able to teach sign communication to toddlers; –is able to reasonably use sign communication in the implementation of the curriculum; –is able to involve the parents in the learning of sign communication.
Training Course - continued Students will learn at least 100 basic BSL signs (considered core signs when signing with babies and children) Further signs taught will include signs such as question signs eg what? Where? In addition to other appropriate and relevant topic areas.
Further areas of learning and materials include: Deaf awareness and basic information about sign language, deaf culture and community History of signing with babies and children Summary of background research for signing with babies and children (hearing and deaf) Benefits of signing with babies and children Benefits of signing with babies and children in a childcare setting Techniques and strategies for introducing the signs to the children. How to sign with children in a variety of everyday scenarios in a childcare setting eg when disciplining, during different activities such as going for a walk, whilst reading books Know what to look for when children begin signing and as they refine their skills
January – March Activities continued WP3 – Training Materials Preparation and finalisation of sign graphics for common and country specific parts of learning materials handbook. Animals
January – March Activities continued WP4 – Implementation of Training Events Babies Can Sign (BCS) – Implementation and delivery of Training Course at Leeds City College 20 students Approximately 17 hours (Over 11 mornings) Work begun on evaluation questionnaires for staff and students (to take place at end of course) Investigation into short course accreditation with appropriate bodies
WP4 – Implementation of Training Events
January – March Activities continued WP5 – Quality Assurance BCS in conjunction with LCC is investigating appropriate tools for course and tutor self-evaluation WP6 – Valorisation Plan BCS is negotiating with LCC to present the project activities to other course leaders within the organisation, partly to gauge interest for future inclusion in other childcare courses. BCS will be negotiating with the local branch of The Pre-school Learning Alliance to present on results to local partners and possibly run a training event.