12 May, 2015 Implementation of entitlement to 600 hours early education and childcare
12 May, 2015 Children and Young People’s Bill: Entitlement of 600 hours of early learning and childcare For every eligible ante and pre-school child ; Children become eligible in the term following their third birthday. Two year olds who are looked after or in kinship care; Secondary legislation – two year olds who are households where parents are seeking work – From August 2014; From 2015 – Two year olds who would be eligible to free school meals;
12 May, 2015
Implementation of 600 hours Parents will be able to access the entitlement to 600 hours early learning and childcare for their child in the following ways: Five sessional places at a local authority nursery class: Each session being three hours ten minutes; five days per week – morning or afternoon. Term time ( 38 weeks per year excluding five in-service days); At an extended day / year provision in the local authority – parents could purchase additional sessions. At a partner provider – sessional or extended day / year.
12 May, 2015 Development of Early Years Provision within EDC The following nurseries will provide extended day provision – term time from August 2014: Baljaffray Nursery Milngavie Nursery; Meadowburn Nursery; A review of provision in other localities will continue to identify other nurseries which could provide extended day provision. Early Years Holiday provision will be available in the extended year centres within each locality. Places will be available to parents whose children do not attend that centre.
12 May, 2015 Nursery Registration Parents/carers should complete a registration form and take it to any East Dunbartonshire Council primary school or nursery any day during the week beginning 20 January 2014 to 24 January between 10am-12noon. Parents unable to go along to any East Dunbartonshire local authority primary school can go to Kirkintilloch Community Hub (Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 10am-1pm) or forward their completed form, together with their child's original birth certificate and evidence of residency to: Early Years & Childcare Section, Southbank House, Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch G66 1XQ by 28 February 2014.
12 May, 2015 Nursery Registration Parents/carers must bring the child’s birth certificate (or if appropriate, proof of legal guardianship) and evidence of their residency in East Dunbartonshire. The only documents that will be accepted as proof of residency are Current Council Tax Notice/Rental/Lease agreement or solicitor’s letter confirming house purchase. Parents who reside outside East Dunbartonshire are not required to provide proof of residency. Registration forms and information leaflets are available from East Dunbartonshire Council primary schools, libraries, Kirkintilloch Community Hub (in William Patrick Library), Southbank House (Kirkintilloch), on the Council website or from the Early Years Helpline on
12 May, 2015 Nursery Registration If a child currently attends an East Dunbartonshire Council nursery, parents/carers should speak to their nursery directly about a continuation form. If a child attends a partnership centre, parents/carers should complete a registration form and return the form to the partnership centre. If you have any questions about nursery registration or other early years topic, please call the Council on