ALL IN – ALL OUT for BEEF PRODUCTION Tuovinen, V., Saarikivi, M., Hartikainen, K., Kauppinen, R., Herva, T., Manninen, U. and Kivinen, T. Tuesday 14:20 – 14:40
BOVINE MEAT PRODUCTION IN FINLAND 84 million kg / year 80 % from dairy breeds 20 % from meat breeds
DAIRY FARMS Small (average ~20 cows) New farms ~100 cows
CALVES Calves born on dairy farms Individual boxes group boxes Most male calves –delivered to nurseries –10 – 30 days old
NURSERIES In: 10 – 30 days Out: 5 – 6 months to finishing units All in – all out –widely applied
FINISHING UNITS In:5 – 6 months (or younger) Slaughter: 16 – 18 months ~330 kg Mostly warm buildings, slatted floors
FINISHING UNITS Continuous production –new calves in every month health problems, (mostly respiratory)
ALL IN – ALL OUT Group of animals in Rearing in groups –all animals about same age and size All animals out
ALL IN – ALL OUT Empty house –cleaning –disinfection –drying New group in
ALL IN – ALL OUT Best known disease management practice Poultry: very common Swine:very common Calf rearing:common Beef finishing:rare –why??????
OUR GOAL Introduce all in – all out –bovine meat production –including finishing units 8 pilot farms: –existing buildings 10 farms: – new buildings
TEST GROUPS IN PILOT FARMS Farmers’ experience Management Work load Feeding Economics etc.
RESULTS December 2007 ― Daily weight gain ― Mortality ― Morbidity ― Economics
BUILDING PILOTS Facilities planned for all in – all out production –sections of building –whole buildings
MODEL BUILDINGS Models for ”Finishing units in 2015” –3 D-models by ”Virtual Farm Designer”
ALL IN – ALL OUT Good for your health! Thank you!