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Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose To provide an overview of the Early Learning Program (ELP) To provide an update on policy development and implementation of the program To highlight and update on key municipal aspects of the policy development and implementation

3 Why Full Day Learning for Four- and Five-Year-Olds? Enhance learning -- Giving four- and five-year-olds a stronger start on their learning to improve their reading, writing and math skills, provide a smoother transition to Grade 1, and help increase high school graduation rates. Economic advantage -- Establishing a strong foundation for the early years is a powerful key to Ontario’s social and economic future. Return on investment – higher for early learning initiatives than interventions later in life.

4 What the Research Tells Us Return of Return to Human Capital Investment Return to an Extra Dollar at Various Ages Source: James Heckman Building a Better Workforce: Investments in Education and Early Development, Age Rate of return to investment in human capital Preschool programs Schooling Job training Programs targeted towards the earliest years Preschool SchoolPost-school

5 Report of the Early Learning Advisor The Premier appointed Dr. Charles Pascal to recommend the best way to implement a full day learning program for four- and five-year- olds. Dr. Pascal conducted extensive consultation, including the municipal sector, during the development of his report. Dr. Pascal released his report on early learning in Ontario on June 15, The Report, With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario, contains 20 recommendations that are broad ranging. Together they create a continuum of early learning, child care and family supports for children from the prenatal period through to adolescence. As a first step, the government is implementing the Early Learning Program for four- and five-year-olds.

6 Summary of Pascal Report Recommendations Early Learning Program Full day early learning programs, including extended day/year option for 4 and 5 year olds in schools, with a mixed staffing model of teachers and ECEs Year round extended day (e.g., before and after school) programming provided in schools, for children aged 4-12, with parent fees/subsidies for extended day Family Support Establishment of Best Start Child and Family Centres in schools that provide a range of integrated services and links to community resources, including child care, for children aged 0-4 Extended parental leave and benefits at the birth or adoption of a child with benefits extending to include self-employed parents, and 10 days of annual job protected leave for parents with children under age 12

7 Summary of Pascal Recommendations (cont’d) Coordinated and Integrated Governance Establish an Early Years Division at EDU to support integrated learning for 0-8 year olds Enhanced municipal role in service planning management for child care and related services for children up to age 4, and for special needs / early intervention supports and coordination New Education and Family Supports Act be created as a single integrated piece of legislation. Enhanced Program Support Training and education to enhance skills and qualification of teachers and ECEs

8 Government Commitment Phased implementation of a full-day early learning program including integrated extended day for 4- and 5-year olds, beginning in September $200M in to support –up to 35,000 4-and 5- year olds (15% of the JK/SK population) Growing to $300M in to support –up to approximately 50,000 children (roughly 20% of JK/SK population) Early learning program expanded to more schools in the future, and at maturity, will be available to all 4- and 5- year olds Goal is full implementation by

9 Key Components of Integrated Extended Day Program day extends from about 7 am to 6 pm Operates during the school year Funding: –School day is funded by the province –Extended day will be funded by parent fees Staffing: blended teacher & ECE Class size of 26 students (average) Full Day Early Learning - Kindergarten Program: combined JK/SK & play-based Extended day is a board program Boards can offer full year programs for 4- and 5-year olds and extended day programs for year olds Noon 3:30 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 am School day Extended day LEGEND Teacher ECE

10 Proposed Legislative Amendments The Full Day Learning Statute Law Amendment Act was introduced on February 17, 2010 The proposed amendments to the Education Act are required in order to have the legislative authority to implement the Early Learning Program. All proposals are subject to the consent of the Legislative Assembly. Amendments required to implement the Early Learning program – predominantly to the Education Act, but also to Day Nurseries Act, and other consequential amendments

11 Proposed Legislative Amendments (cont’d) Two new core obligations for District School Boards: Provide full-day JK/K in every elementary school of the Board Would run for the school day, e.g. 9 am to 3:30 pm Would be staffed by teacher-ECE team with a duty to co- operate in certain shared activities Operate an integrated Extended Day program for JK/K pupils on instructional days Would run for a period before and after school, e.g. 6 to 9 am and 3:30 to 6 pm Would be led by an ECE, with an adult to pupil ratio of 2:26 Would operate under Education Act regulatory environment, not under Day Nurseries Act (DNA) Boards would be required to charge fees, subject to rules set out in regulation Boards would have authority to offer to older children and on non-instructional days (PA days, holidays, summer)

12 Proposed Legislative Amendments (cont’d) Role of Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) The important new role of ECEs is recognized through additional provisions, such as: –ECEs in the Early Learning Program would be members of the College of Early Childhood Educators –Duty of teachers and ECEs to cooperate –Complaints of professional misconduct to be handled similarly to those for teachers –Some professional development opportunities to be provided, similar to those of teachers

13 Proposed Legislative Amendments (cont’d) Subsidies for Extended Day Proposed central municipal role in extended day fee subsidy administration – as per child care fee subsidy administration The government’s intent is for subsidy flow to be seamless for families in need as their children move through the child care and education systems The intent is also to apply the current subsidy eligibility rules and income test to subsidies for Extended Day Legislative amendments would provide authority, either under the DNA or the Education Act, for the government to enter into arrangements with municipalities or other parties in order to provide subsidies to eligible families with children in Extended Day programs The government’s preferred approach is to work with the municipal sector to have fee subsidies administered for the Extended Day as they are for child care

14 Implementation Status District School Boards have received Year 1 per pupil allocations First year site selection complete –Criteria included need, impact on child care –Process included consultation with CMSMs/DSSABs and co- terminus Boards Year 1 ELP schools were announced in January About 600 schools will offer Full Day Early Learning in year 1 Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten registration is underway – includes extended day New Early Learning Division being established Staff in each Regional Office work with District School Boards, CMSM/DSSABs and Best Start Networks Year 2 site selections expected to be submitted by April 16

15 Municipal Partnerships in the Early Learning Program New and enhanced partnerships being developed at the local level between school boards and municipalities and Best Start networks; key issues: –Local human service planning –Impact on child care Collaboration with municipal sector – AMO, OMSSA, City of Toronto, MARCO, Provincial-Municipal Human Services Committee, etc Municipal representation at cross sectoral Early Learning Implementation Advisory Group Municipal expertise in various working groups, including: –Fee Subsidy –Extended Day –Special Needs –Rural and Northern (under development) Regular, direct communication with CMSMs/DSSABs

16 Other Key Considerations Enhancing ECE supply Child care sector stabilization/impact on child care Other age groupings –Expanding extended day/extended hours to 6-12 year olds Continuity of special needs services and supports Research and evaluation framework under development Full Day Early Learning - Kindergarten Program training Related policy and program changes