Men and Women in the Family and at Work in Slovakia Labour Market, Child-care and Family Support in the Publications of ASPEKT
PUBLICATIONS OF ASPEKT Gender Implications of the Crisis : Aspects of Selected Cases Janka Debrecéniová: Analysis of Selected Laws to “Support the Family” Passed during the Time of the Crisis Gender Perspective in Economy : Aspects of Power Relationships Jarmila Filadelfiová: Women and Men at Work and at Home Daniel Gerbery: Child-care and the Labour Market
Jarmila Filadelfiová: Women and Men at Work and at Home The gendered distribution of production and reproduction
JARMILA FILADELFIOVÁ: WOMEN AND MEN AT WORK AND AT HOME Higher engagement of women in household duties For common daily duties are responsible mostly women Experiences of reconciliation of work and family care
JARMILA FILADELFIOVÁ: WOMEN AND MEN AT WORK AND AT HOME Lower employment rate of women (52,8%-women; 67,6%-men) Lower positions of women in spite of higher education Horizontal segregation of the labourt market („men ʼ s“ and „women ʼ s“ professions)
Daniel Gerbery: Child-care and Labour Market Implications of child-care possibilities for women and men on the labour market
DANIEL GERBERY: CHILD-CARE AND LABOUR MARKET Low number of children under 2 years attending institutional child-care facilities Low access to day nurseries
DANIEL GERBERY: CHILD-CARE AND LABOUR MARKET Differences in employment rate according to life cycle - the biggest difference in the period of reproduction (25-39 years) parental status - opposite implications for men and women age of the youngest child - the lowest rate in women having a child at the age below 5 years
Janka Debrecéniová: Analysis of Selected Laws to “Support the Family” Passed during the Time of the Crisis Selected effects of law support on women having children
JANKA DEBRECÉNIOVÁ: ANALYSIS OF SELECTED LAWS TO „SUPPORT FAMILY PASSED DURING THE TIME OF CRISIS Pressure to quit work and to provide personal care of children Discrimination of marginalized women Medicalization of pregnancy Change from January 2011
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