Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry NATIONAL FORESTRY BOARD Close to Nature Forestry in Bulgaria Seminar on Close to Nature Forestry , Zvolen, Sloval Republic
Vision of the Bulgarian Forests “The Bulgarian forest is a national worth. Forest ecosystem resources retain their ecological, social and economic functions in order improvement the standard of life of the people. The forests are managed in a professional way in a stable forestry sector, with the major support of the society, respecting and integrating the interests of all stakeholders.” National Forest Policy and Strategy
Strategic Goals Implementation of close to nature silvicultural systems, based on the natural regeneration forest capacity. Forest rehabilitation in deforested areas; tendency for increase of the forested area and promotion of their sustainability, productivity and capacity for CO2 assimilation,aiming adaptation to the climate changes and ensuring society demands for forest products and healthy environment. National Forest Policy and Strategy
Strategic Activities 1.Increase the volume of thinning in young and artificial stands. 2.Expediting of transformation of sprout forests to seed ones through performing the suitable silvicultural activities. 3.Basic implementation of silvicultural systems, forming mixed, heterogeneous forests. 4.Preparation and integration of National forest inventory, according to the EFICS requirements. 5.Forest rehabilitation in areas, harmed or destroyed by forest fires, grazing, illegal cuttings and withered forests. National Forest Policy and Strategy
Strategic Activities 6. Enforcement of the forestations in abandoned agricultural lands, including biomass producing for technological and energy use, through specialized national and international scheme for financing. 7. Improvement of the state of forest shelter belts. 8. Implementation of specific silvicultural measures, aiming production of high quality wood for special purpose. 9. Updating the national Programme for erosion prevention in forest and agricultural lands. National Forest Policy and Strategy
Strategic Activities 10.Improvement of the forest management planning, aiming to achieve multifunctional and sustainable forest management, according to the best international experience. 11.Support to initiatives and measures related to certification of Bulgarian forests, willing to achieve at least 30 % of the forests to be certified. National Forest Policy and Strategy
Bulgarian Forests Bulgarian forests are part of the European and World Wealth Bulgaria takes third place in Europe in biological diversity 3.9 mln ha total forested area 34% of the territory of the country 49 years average forest age 66% broadleaved 526 cub.b. standing wood 12.3 cub.m.annual increment 4.8 cub.m.annual harvesting
Categories of Forests According to the Forestry Act (1997, last amended on ), considering the functions, the forests divide as follows: 1. forests with timber production and environmental functions - 66 % of the forestry fund,
Categories of Forests 2. forests with protection functions (water protection, erosion prevention, ameliorative) - 13% of the forestry fund and forests recreational functions (6% of the forestry fund), and others as, seed – production stands and gardens, research and trial forests, forest nurseries and others – 7%, 3. forests in protected areas (according to the Protected territories Act and Biodiversity Act) – 8 % of the forestry fund.
Bulgarian – Swiss Forest Programme “Close to Nature and Sustainable Forest Management” Project Close to Nature and Sustainable Forest Management Concepts European Criteria for Sustainable Forest Management Principles of Close to Nature Forest Management Silvicultural systems on Close to Nature Forestry
Bulgarian – Swiss Forest Programme Selective Forest Management - uneven age stands - homogeneous structure of the stands - conservation and improvement of all forest functions - ability to satisfy society demands’ - biodiversity conservation
Bulgarian – Swiss Forest Programme Examples on Close to Nature and Sustainable Forest Management Borovetz – mountain resort - more than 60 years of Selective Forest Management - sustainable improvement of all forest functions Pamporovo – mountain resort - trial areas, managed in a sustainable way
Bulgarian – Swiss Forest Programme Examples on Close to Nature and Sustainable Forest Management Petrohan – Study and Trial Forest Estate - managed by “Plan for Multifunctional Forest Management” - utilization of different forest benefits
Conclusions - securing forest functions through achieving complex forest structure - respecting forest demands and abilities to satisfy humans - equality of timber production and other forest functions - change in the way of perception of the forest
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry NATIONAL FORESTRY BOARD For questions: Stoytcho Bialkov Director Forestry Tel Fax