ELTM41 Introduction to Early Childhood Careers Entry Level Training Module IV: Professional Relations Lesson One
ELTM42 Help Wanted… Challenging opportunity for man or woman; must be a self-starter who works well in small groups. Need a strong physique and well-balanced nervous system. Should be gentle but not sloppy, strong but not impetuous when bitten or scratched. Should have a background in developmental psychology, medicine, law, accounting and be experienced in carpentry, masonry, and plumbing, as well as be a thoroughly trained musician and poet. Abilities in counseling, nutrition, sports and games, and veterinary medicine a plus. Will be responsible for important policy-making decisions.
ELTM43 Motivations for choosing ECE as a career Love of children Desire to help children grow and learn Interest/enjoyment in teaching Desire to perform a public service Inspired by a favorite teacher
ELTM44 What is a Professional? Sense of public service Defined body of knowledge Specialized training Professional Association Code of Ethics * Set standards of performance Control over entry standards Self-governing Set standards of performance High prestige and economic standing
ELTM45 Core Values of ECE Appreciation of childhood as a unique and valuable stage in the life cycle. Professional practice based on the best current knowledge of child growth and development. Recognition and support for the interconnectedness of the child and family. Recognition that children are best understood and supported in the context of family, culture, community, and society. Respect for the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member, and colleague) Support for children and adults to achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust, respect, and positive regard. Effective protection and advocacy for the rights of children. Continuing growth as professionals in early childhood education.
ELTM46 Career Opportunities Child Care Centers –Assistant Teachers, Teachers, Directors In-home Programs –Family Child Care, Nannies –Home Visitors, Child care licensor * Preschools, Head Start (1/2 day programs) * Early Childhood Special Education * Early Childhood Family Education * Crisis Nurseries, therapeutic care * Child Life programs (in hospitals) * Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies
ELTM47 Characteristics of an effective Early Childhood Educator Nurturing, compassionate, committed to keeping children safe and healthy Understands child development, guidance, and curriculum Energetic, playful, has a sense of humor Life-long learner, curious Organized, flexible, adaptable Effective communicator, observer Enjoys challenge, problem-solving, is creative Trustworthy, dependable, reliable