W HO A RE W E 2 Our mission is to create the world’s safest, most effective pesticides based on natural ingredients. We have 15 years of scientific research and a wealth of patents behind us. We make the only 100% safe insecticide that is proven to work. We offer the only complete line of EPA exempt pesticides sold in the US. Green Home is dedicated to providing consumers with a safe alternative to synthetic insecticides that may be harmful to pets and children.
P RODUCTS OF G REEN H OME 3 Ants and Roach Killer -Check Out Flying Insects Killer Wasp and Hornets -No Stingers Repellent -Invisible Garden Insects -Be Gone Home Pest Control Granules Mosquitoes and Ticks -Abolisher Spider -Taker Outer Weeds and Grass- Annihilator Green Home Offers a successful Line of Products, All Organic to Solve Common Insect, Weed, and pest Control Problems
W HAT ’ S N EW ? 4 Water, rosemary oil, thyme oil, clove oil, wintergreen oil, lecithin, and octadecenoic acid potassium salt.
SWOTT A NALYSIS 5 Strengths (internal) Revolutionary Products, Organic, Unique, Growth Weaknesses (internal) Shipping Demands, Unprecedented Growth, Delays Opportunities (external) Retailers, Individuals, Businesses, improved Customer Service Threats (external) Cheaper Synthetic Products in Local Hardware Stores Trends (external) Consumers Going Green
W HO N EEDS O RGANIC F UNGICIDE ? 6 Individuals, Families and businesses serious About Safe Additives Organic Goods Retailers Home Improvement Stores Specialty Shops Landscapers Nurseries
W HO A RE O UR C OMPETITORS ? 7 We are the first to introduce an organic garden fungicide! Competition catching onto concept of organic pesticides: it’s only a matter of time before they duplicate our fungicide and try to cut us down. Fear the synthetic fungicide makers; it’s all some consumers are aware of currently.
S EGMENTATION 8 Step 1: Identify the Broad Market Gardening Supply Consumers Step 2: Analyze Consumer Needs Fungus Control, Safe for Family Step 3: Formulate Narrower Markets Organic Solution Seekers Step 4: Identify Determining Dimensions Price, Convenience, Easy to Find Step 5: Possible Segment Markets Green Eco Friendly Product Seekers with Gardens, Weekend Warrior Gardeners, Home Owners, Families with Children and Pets Step 6: Evaluate Consumer Behavior in Segment Markets: Evaluating Organic Alternative Products already on the market to determine Behaviors STEP 7: Estimate the size of each market segment Biggest Consumption from Home Improvement Stores Customers, Niche Markets Later
D IFFERENTIATION AND P OSITIONING 9 Leading Organic Pest Control Market Studies Show Organic Choices Preferred by Consumers Trusted Brand Name First Fully Organic Fungus Control Product Produced
P RODUCT L IFE C YCLE 10 We are in the Introduction stage of the product life cycle Brand Recognition Obtain Trademarks and Patents Introduce Fungus Control to Loyal Customers of the Green Home Brand and educate consumers about benefits of organic fungus control Identify Distribution Channels Anticipate Growth
M ARKETING M IX : P RODUCT 11 Type: Organic Garden Control Features: Totally Safe, All Organic, Effective Control, Comparable price to Synthetic Brands Identification: Green Home Garden Fungus Control, Packaging Supplied from outside Vendor branded with our Fungus Control Art (Still Being Developed) Product Method/ Delivery: Manufactured in Raleigh, NC with Organic Supplies from Organic Farmers Across the Country, Trucked from Our Facility to Stores Warehouses Across the Country, Packing and Shipping Department for Individual Orders in House.
M ARKETING M IX : P RICE 12 Fixed and variable costs. Competition Company objectives Proposed positioning strategies. Target group and willingness to pay. Green Home Will Use Competition pricing: Setting a price in comparison with competitors.
M ARKETING M IX : P LACE 13 Manufactured in Raleigh, NC Facility Trucked All Over the Country to Current Distributors of Green Home Products Organic Ingredients from Certified Organic Farms Sold In Stores Across the Country Sold to Consumers Sold From Our Web Site
M ARKETING M IX : C OST 14 Production Costs have been kept to a minimum using the same manufacturing processes with different ingredients Distribution costs are coinciding with current distribution costs. Overhead All natural ingredients in the fungicide are comparable to that of the pest control products. Sales This product will be sold together with the rest of the line causing no increases. Marketing We will spend the most money on marketing the product
P ROMOTION 15 Acquire New Customers Provide Information of Benefits Product Awareness Website Advertising in Big Retail Stores Home and Garden Seminars Trade Shows
B UDGET 16 Manufacturing Distribution Promotions Marketing Communications Advertisements Trade shows
C ONTROL AND M ONITOR 17 Set goals and make them clear. Review progress regularly. Monitor sales, marketing to sales expenses, and market share.