12 May 2015 David Snow Anglican Schools Partnership
Bishop Ridley CE VA Primary School 12 May 2015 David Snow Anglican Schools Partnership
School year Background Bishop Ridley School: is a two form entry Church of England VA school in Welling (Blackheath borders); has a higher than average proportion of EAL and ESN children, who achieve well compared to other groups; has a lower than average proportion of pupils who qualify for free school meals and therefore a relatively low Pupil Premium (roughly 12%); has a lower than average proportion of pupils with SEN and disabilities; serves a culturally deprived area where the percentage of adults who have attended higher education is half the national average; is celebrating the 10 th anniversary of being a Church School in Autumn Successes We had an Ofsted inspection in March and were graded as ’good’. Two weeks later we had our SIAMS inspection and were again graded as ‘good’. Despite a woeful lack of candidates (4) we were very lucky to appoint two good teachers for September. For the first time ever our morning and afternoon nurseries will be full in 2014/15, reflecting our motto ‘Fundamenta in Sedibus’. Developments We are focusing on improving the quality and progress of pupils’ reading throughout the school. We are also developing opportunities for more extended writing across the curriculum and also provision for writing in the EYFS. From September 2014 we will be 2 form entry throughout and are planning to build another classroom to accommodate the extra children. 12 May 2015 David Snow Anglican Schools Partnership
Partnership Benefits Belonging to the ASP has allowed us to share ideas and experiences both informally and formally, helping with school development and being a valuable source of advice. Participating in the Feedback Project gave us a real focus for improving the quality of all the feedback we give to our pupils, and this has positively impacted on standards in teaching and learning. Participating in joint projects and events such as the RE days at Trinity and the Leavers’ Service at St Augustine’s has helped all members of the school to feel part of a bigger family of schools. It’ has enabled us to see what is going on in other schools, both within the partnership and beyond, and this is always useful for our own school development. 12 May 2015 David Snow Anglican Schools Partnership