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Unit 1 Review Last week we reviewed course expectations and shared a lot information on our roles as an early childhood educator. We discussed current issues, best practices and play! Before we move forward, does anyone have any questions, thoughts, ah-ha moments that they would like to share? Jump in!
Unit 2 Details In this unit, you will learn more about the history of education and the theories that have shaped the field of early childhood education. We will discuss the ways in which different people in early childhood education have influenced our practices today. This knowledge will help you understand your role as an educator. This week you will also examine the different was that you can make a difference as an early childhood educator.
Readings The readings will focus on the introductory concepts of early childhood and your role in helping to develop a successful learning environment.
Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: Explain the major early education theories Describe the changes in early childhood education from past to present
Reflection Questions Why do we have programs outside the home for children as young as infants? Do you think parents or schools are best equipped to care for and/or teach infants, preschoolers, school-age children? What do you believe should be the primary goals and functions of early childhood centers?
Historical Trends and Themes View of children innately good or evil, trainable, valuable Role of families/women in home and society women in the workforce International influences on American education Effects of Socioeconomic Status Purpose of Early Childhood Programs Custodial care, education, social change
Education in the 1600s Children viewed as small adults Children’s sinful nature needed to be curbed through harsh punishment and strict discipline Parents viewed as important teachers Dame Schools provided care and moral training for children while adults worked Schools mandated by law in 1647 in Massachusetts
Key Thinkers of the 1600s Johann Amos Comenius Believed children had great potential for learning Advocated for active learning John Locke Valued firsthand experiences for learning Promoted playful learning Viewed children as blank slates
Education in the 1700s A more favorable, romantic view of children emerged Valued harmonious, authentic education experiences set in rural environments
Key Thinkers of the 1700s Jean-Jacques Rousseau Promoted indirect manipulation of children’s will Development unfolds naturally through free exploration Teachers (mostly men) viewed as more successful than parents in educating children Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Valued interaction, hands-on exploration, and reflection as educational methods Valued mothers as child’s first teacher Believed all children were capable of learning
Education in the 1800s Modern early childhood programs take shape (kindergarten is born) Renewed emphasis on keeping infants at home with mothers led to separation of early childhood programs and elementary programs Working mothers relied on Day Nurseries, which provided only custodial care
Key Thinker of the 1800s Friedrich Froebel Created the first “Kindergarten” in Germany Envisioned a gentle, garden-like place where development could unfold naturally Resisted overly academic instruction Preferred education out of the home, with women as teachers Developed hands-on materials for active exploration
More Key Thinker of the 1800s Elizabeth Palmer Peabody Promoted Froebel’s methods in America Included individualized instruction to suit each child’s abilities Created the American Froebel Society Regulated training programs Advocated including African American women in teacher-training programs and increased access to school for children of slaves and Native American children
Education in the 1900s: Progressivism Dawns Scientific methods and approaches became more favorable than previous religious emphasis As kindergartens began to become rigidly academic, several educators emerged to re-emphasize play
Key Thinker of the 1900s G. Stanley Hall and Arnold Gesell Created the child study movement Copious observations and interviews of children led to new knowledge of development Advocated for an interdisciplinary approach, integrating services for health and education
Another Key Thinker: 1900s John Dewey Valued children’s psychological and social dimensions Believed education should emerge from children’s interests and align with their developmental level Sought to instill a love of learning as the primary aim of education (eclipsing any academic or skills goals) Valued play as an important part of education
More Key Thinkers of the 1900s Caroline Pratt Created an education system designed to teach children how to think and problem solve Advocated for the importance of intrinsic motivation Lucy Sprague Mitchell After working closely with Pratt, Mitchell developed the Bank Street College of Education Valued the importance of relationships as a key to education
Progressivist Principles Shift The 1957 launching of the Soviet satellite Sputnik rocked the foundation of Progressivism Increasing academic performance became the new agenda for education; play fell out of favor Montessori’s method and constructivist practices began to take hold
Key Constructivists Jean Piaget Based work on numerous observations of children Analyzed children’s problem-solving processes, defined distinct stages of children’s cognitive development Lev Vygotsky Emphasized language acquisition as a key influence on cognitive development Believed social and cultural influences greatly impacted children’s development Promoted importance of teacher guidance as children work on challenging tasks
Current Issues Social and legal movements, fueled by the work of individuals and families, have led to integrated schools - open and accessible to all children Intervention programs seek to equalize impact of poverty As communities become more diverse, classroom practices must rely on culturally responsive practices
Culturally Responsive Practices Value individual culture and diversity, including: Linguistic diversity Ethnic, racial diversity Diverse abilities Diverse beliefs, family traditions Religious diversity Preserve home language and family culture Validate individual children’s ways of thinking and sharing
Reflection Questions Do any people or beliefs support your own beliefs? Does anything you read challenge your beliefs or assumptions? How do you think Horace Mann’s quote fits in with a discussion of the history and changing aims of education? “Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of man — the balance wheel of the social machinery.”
Time to Share… How have your theorist's beliefs influenced our practices today?
Reflection Questions Why do we have programs outside the home for children as young as infants? Do you think parents or schools are best equipped to care for and/or teach infants, preschoolers, school-age children? What do you believe should be the primary goals and functions of early childhood centers?
Don’t’ Forget Readings Discussion Seminar Learning Activities Graded Review Any questions, please ask!
Thank you! Thank you for joining me! It has been a pleasure to share with you this evening! If you ever need anything… me!
References Follari, L. (2010). Foundations and best practices in early childhood education: History, theories, and approaches to learning. Boston: Pearson. Jupiter Images Corporation, (2010). Retrieved May 10, 2010 from