TEAP Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee TEAP Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee 1 Montreal Protocol, MOP 25, Bangkok, 21-25 October 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

TEAP Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee TEAP Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee 1 Montreal Protocol, MOP 25, Bangkok, October 2013

Final Recommendations for Critical Use Nominations, and Other Issues MBTOC Cochairs :  Mohamed Besri  Michelle Marcotte  Marta Pizano  Ian Porter Final Recommendations for Critical Use Nominations, and Other Issues MBTOC Cochairs :  Mohamed Besri  Michelle Marcotte  Marta Pizano  Ian Porter Montreal Protocol, MOP 25, Bangkok, October 2013

Global trends in MB consumption Global consumption for MB controlled uses has fallen from 64,420 t in 1991 to 5,187 t in 2011 Less than 1% of the aggregate baseline for MB in Non-A 5 Parties is now being requested for Critical Uses A5 Parties have phased out 80% of MB use in advance of the 2015 deadline

Reporting of Stocks (Dec IX/6 1,bii) MB stocks (t) reported at end of: Australia0 0 Canada Japan USA10, Total10, CUE recommendations are not adjusted to account for stocks Stocks reported by USA are twice the annual CUN request. Table 9.3 of the TEAP report also shows the amount of stocks used and authorised by Parties in

Trends in Total MB amounts (t) approved for Critical Uses ( ) or nominated to 2015 Only 3 non A5 Parties continue to submit nominations. The number of CUNs from non A5 Parties have diminished greatly from 116 in 2005 to 5 in 2013 No A5 CUN requests in 2013

MBTOC Soils Montreal Protocol, MOP 25, Bangkok, October 2013

Final recommendations of MB for Preplant Soil Use (t) Country and SectorNomination for 2015 Final recommendation for 2015 Australia Strawberry runners [28.765] Canada Strawberry runners 5.261[5.050] USA Strawberry fruit [ ] TOTAL Consensus was achieved on all nominations 7

CUN Final Recommendation: Australian Strawberry Nurseries Note: No significant reduction in the nomination since the CUN for 2009

CUN Final Recommendation: Australian Strawberry Nurseries Party information after the OEWG: The Party provided an economic analysis for strawberry runner production in soil-less culture. The strawberry industry provided a new 3-year research plan to identify appropriate alternatives to MB. MBTOC: Acknowledges that the foundation stock stage in the strawberry runner production chain has already transitioned to soil-less production. Finds that an amount of 0.47 t is allocated each year by the Party for foundation stock. This is a contingency use and not recommended. Further considers that it is feasible to transition the mother plant stage (0.525 t) to soil-less production.

CUN Final Recommendation: Canadian Strawberry Nurseries Note: No reduction in the nomination since the CUN for 2011

CUN Final Recommendation: Canadian Strawberry Nurseries Party Information after the OEWG: The Party stated that a groundwater study to reduce uncertainty over Pic use will now go ahead, The use of micro-propagated plants had reduced the feasibility of expansion to soil-less systems however they are commencing a study to determine the technical & economic feasibility of soil-less production. The Party confirmed that 2016 will be the final year for use of MB for this sector. MBTOC: MBTOC considers that soil-less systems/substrates are widely available to replace MB for the production of strawberry nursery plants and recommends a 4% reduction on the nominated amount.

CUN Final Recommendation: US Strawberry Fruit

Party Information after the OEWG: The Party requested the full nomination be recommended while they determine if the higher use rates for Pic registered in 2013 are accepted by state and local authorities. The Party indicated 2016 would be the final CUN for this sector. MBTOC: Alternatives (1,3-D/Pic and Pic alone under newly permitted rates of up to 392 kg/ha) with or without barrier films can replace MB for specific CUN uses. Complete phase out of MB is now feasible. Due to present uncertainty on regulations on use of Pic at higher dosage rates, MBTOCs final recommendation allowed a three year time to transition. As the technologies to apply Pic are known, MBTOC considered a greater reduction could be achieved in 2015 than the 10% reduction made by the Party (10%) and recommended a lower amount of MB.

Montreal Protocol, MOP 25, Bangkok, October 2013 MBTOC Structures and Commodities

Final Recommendations for Postharvest CUNs for 2015 Country and Sector Nominated in 2013 (tonnes) Recommended for 2015 (tonnes) United States – Dry cure pork 3.240[3.240] United States – Fresh dates 0.310[0] Total3.510[3.240]

US – Fresh Dates Party: Nominated tonnes, a 4.6% decrease of the amount granted by the Parties last year for this application. MB was requested for dates for quick shipment. MBTOC: Not recommended. Technically effective, commercially available alternatives are available and the need for a three-day market window for the approximate 25% of the total harvest volume nominated was not substantiated by the Party.

US – Dry Cure Pork Party: Nominated tonnes for 2015, a reduction of 13.1% from the amount granted by the Parties for this use in Reduction will be achieved by improving fumigation efficiency. MBTOC: Recommended tonnes. Extensive research has demonstrated a continued lack of success with possible alternatives particularly in killing mites. MBTOC made new research and pest management suggestions.

Report on Emergency Use of MB for Pasta in Canada Canada fumigated two pasta warehouses after finding phosphine resistant pests in packaged pasta tonnes MB for rice weevils. Canada followed their domestic emergency use protocol. First time phosphine resistant pests identified in Canada and it is important to stop their spread. MBTOC was asked to provide suggestions to avoid such events in the future.

MBTOC suggests methods to avoid the development of phosphine resistant pests A stringent IPM program managed by experienced and capable pest control operators is a necessary pre-requisite. First assess the pests present and then fumigate properly following fumigant label. Only fumigate facilities or structures of ‘good’ gas tightness. Fumigants should not be used in facilities of ‘poor’ gas tightness. If pest resistance is suspected, use quicker tests than the FAO method to allow for a more effective follow- up fumigation.

Other Issues Montreal Protocol, MOP 25, Bangkok, October 2013

Workplan 2014 Tasks and actions Date Parties submit CUNs to Ozone Secretariat24 January 2014 Nominations forwarded to MBTOC co-chairs and assessed by MBTOC 7 February 2014 MBTOC requests additional information from Parties where necessary 21 February 2014 Nominating Parties submit response to MBTOCMarch 2014 MBTOC meets to assess nominationsMarch 2014 MBTOC co-chairs provide draft recommendations to TEAP, and these are further discussed during TEAP meeting. MBTOC finalises report April 2014 Secretariat posts finalised report on its websiteMay th OEWG - Bilateral discussionsTBD 2014 MBTOC meets (or conducts assessment according to feasibility and justification) TBD 2014 MBTOC final report posted by Secretariat after TEAP reviewTBD th Meeting of the PartiesTBD 2014

Important issues for Article 5 Parties 1 January 2015 is the phase out date for use of MB in Article 5 Parties. CUNs for 2015 must be submitted in January CUNs for 2016 may be submitted in January 2014 or January

QPS (Article 7 and Decision XXIII/5) MBTOC notes that 43 Parties to date have reported QPS consumption for 2012 totalling 8,665 t (Article 7). The QPS report (Dec XXIII/5) presented information from 34 Parties (including EU member states) on categories of use for QPS. Since the 2013 TEAP progress report, additional information has been received from 3 other Parties (US, Canada, Japan). Most Parties provided a detailed breakdown of QPS uses by category which provides a good basis for further analysis by MBTOC. As anticipated in XXIII/5 and in light of this information, Parties may wish to request MBTOC to undertake a trend analysis of MB consumption for the QPS sector