Food for Life Innovation Copenhagen Edinburgh
3 year pilot by NHS Lothian, University of Edinburgh, and City of Edinburgh Council Steering group also includes Soil Association Scotland, Nourish, Transition Towns To use the Food for Life Catering Mark to make stepwise changes in catering outlets To assess the impact Food for Life: Edinburgh Pilot
Key tasks: Support caterers and procurers to plan and implement necessary changes and to engage audiences across the organisations Work with supply chain Plan and manage evaluation, & dissemination Work with steering group and report to funders Provide comms & marketing using expertise in team
Edinburgh Pilot Part of bigger picture Allows for extra evaluation and more resource Replicable
NHS Lothian: St John’s Hospital University of Edinburgh: Pollock Halls CEC: Currie High School, Buckstone Primary School & Clovenstone Care Home Pilot Sites
St John’s Hospital Feeds staff, patients and visitors around 500k meals/year Diversity of needs Large number of groups to engage Specific nutritional requirements
University of Edinburgh Pollock Halls 2000 Students (eat twice per day) Lots of local produce already. Near Bronze…
City of Edinburgh Council Schools – holistic approach Care home – pushing boundaries Sub group of relevant people set up – procurement, sustainability, cooks, nutritionists, etc.
Develop supply chain for local, seasonal and organic products Develop training, comms & marketing Influencing our stakeholders
Lettuce in the Highlands Jo Hunt & Maggie Sutherland Williamsons Highland Council Cooks in 173 kitchens TeachersPupilsParents
Copenhagen Copenhagen House of Food set up in 2007 by City of Copenhagen to improve public sector meals – sustainable, healthy and joyful public food culture Target of 90% organic food served in public sector
Learning from Copenhagen Target of 90% organic food in public sector: part of policy for Copenhagen to become ‘Eco Metropolis’ of the world by % public sector food is currently organic including schools, nurseries & care homes Approx. 60,000 meals/day from 900 kitchens
How they do it Political support City of Copenhagen taking responsibility & setting targets for improving public sector food Copenhagen House of Food training for public sector kitchen staff Conversion Vs substitution: investment in changing culture in kitchens and at the table Vs business as usual which results in on-going costs Less meat; using the whole carcass; much more veg & grains Reducing food waste pays for organic food
Benefits so far New national target of 60% organic by 2020 New market opportunities for suppliers: organic foodservice sales expected to increase by 20% in 2012 Increased job satisfaction All new-build schools now have kitchen & dining facilities Increased school meal uptake Improved health and wellbeing for recipients e.g. reduced use of medication in nursing homes Cleaner drinking water in Copenhagen All done within budgets!
Get in touch… Name: Joe Hind Job title: Food for Life Scotland Supply Chain Manager T: E: SoilAssocScot