An Introduction to Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust


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Presentation transcript:

An Introduction to Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust     A passion for quality and excellence

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust provides community health, mental health and learning disability services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.  As well as caring for people who are ill or injured, we also support people to stay well and prevent future problems.

About us Serving one million people living in the city of Leicester and the neighbouring counties of Leicestershire and Rutland. 212,000 people - one in four of the local population - accessed the Trust’s services during 2011/12. We have a budget of approximately £276m. We employ around 6,000 members of staff in a wide variety of roles. We deliver services from many different locations - hospitals, longer term recovery units, outpatient clinics, day services, GP surgeries, children's centres, schools, health centres, people’s own homes, care homes and prisons.

About us The Trust has ten community hospitals. Most people are referred to our services by their GP. We work with family doctors (GPs), local hospitals, social services and other local authority departments such as housing and education. We work with voluntary organisations, local community groups and local people. LPT is a teaching Trust conducting research and providing training and education for medical, psychology, nursing and therapy students.

The population and communities we serve We serve a population of around one million people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and provide a number of specialist services to populations outside the area.    

Our Services Our services are organised into four clinical divisions, supported by a number of corporate (enabling) departments. Our corporate (enabling) departments Chief Executive Officer Directorate Trust Secretariat/ Corporate Governance Medical Directorate Quality and Innovation Directorate Business Development Directorate Hosted/ Shared Services   Trust Secretariat/ Corporate Governance Chief Operating Officer Directorate Finance, Information and Performance Directorate Human Resources and Organisational Development Directorate  

Adult Mental Health Services Our adult mental health services provide both inpatient and community-based services. We offer general psychiatric care for adults of all ages at a number of inpatient units and have a specialist unit for psychiatric intensive care. We also provide healthcare services to prisons. Our successful Psychiatric Liaison Service is based within the A&E department f University Hospital s NHS Trust. Community Health Services Our community health services division includes adult nursing and therapy services and mental health services for older people. We deliver services in inpatient wards and through many community teams in clinics, day services and people's own homes.

Learning Disability Services Families, Young People and Children’s Services Families, young people and children's services includes mental health services for children and young people, health visiting, school nursing, paediatric medicine, health promotion, sexual health, dietetics, substance misuse and eating disorder services. We deliver services in homes, community and neighbourhood centres, children's centres, health centres, hospitals, inpatient units, schools and nurseries.   Learning Disability Services For adults with a learning disability we provide support from community based teams, inpatient treatment as well as short- break services. We also offer specialist advice and support to those involved in caring for someone with a learning disability.

Advancing health and wellbeing for you and your community. Our Mission and Vision Our Mission Advancing health and wellbeing for you and your community. An integrated Foundation Trust with a passion for quality and excellence. Our Vision

Our Values R Q H T C A E I We will listen and support others to do so nnovation I We will promote partnerships, care pathways and the use of new technology espect R We will listen and support others to do so uality Q We will deliver care to the highest standards onest H We will be honest and transparent in all that we do4 rustworthy T We will act with integrity and openness aring C We will demonstrate care and compassion mbitious A We will strive to be the best ights We will treat others fairly and equally and value diversity xcellence E We will strive for excellence in all that we do

Our Strategic Objectives We will continuously improve quality, with services shaped from user experience, audit and research. We will deliver our financial plans and transform our estate and information technology. We will maximise opportunities to deliver the best possible integrated care in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We will attract, retain and develop a diverse, capable and flexible workforce. We will build our reputation as a successful, inclusive organisation, working in partnership to improve health and wellbeing.

Our Strategy Delivering our strategy will achieve more integrated, effective, modern and local pathways of care. It will improve the overall quality, safety and experience of our services, and therefore improve the health and wellbeing of the people we serve. At a glance… Consolidate our market share for integrated services in LLR. Identify growth opportunities that support further integration, and strengthen the quality and viability of our existing portfolio of services.  

Improving Quality and Safety Our Quality Strategy focuses on delivering care that is person centred, safe and effective.

Our Quality Goals Person Centred Care Goal 1 Provide respectful, compassionate, dignified care. Goal 2 Listen to, involve and empower people who use our services, their carers and families. Safe Services Goal 3 Provide safe care , prevent and avoid harm. Goal 4 Develop and empower all our workforce to deliver the safest possible care. Effective Care Goal 5 Provide high quality, evidence based services that ensure easy access to care at the right time, in the right place from the right people. Goal 6 Enable effective governance of quality and learn from things that do not go well.

Engaging Patients and the Public Listening to people who use our services Review of existing surveys. Feedback cards. Observations of care. ‘How did we make you feel?’ sessions for staff to listen to the experiences of people who use our services and their carers.

Engaging Patients and the Public In your shoes Listening to the people who use our services. We hear from many service users and carers through innovative and creative workshops.

Financial performance Organisational performance We have a proven track record of achieving financial balance. Historically, we have met all our primary financial targets without the need for any external financial support. Performance Record LPT is required to meet a wide range of national and local targets and demonstrate our achievements against a number of performance indicators. Our governance arrangements ensure performance is monitored and reported throughout the year in order for us to continue to deliver high quality services. Organisational performance During 2011/12 we successfully met the majority of our targets with no major issues relating to performance.

Achievements Providing quality services Ensuring patient safety Unconditional registration with the Care Quality Commission. Ensuring patient safety Zero ‘never events’ during 2011/12 - serious, largely preventable patient safety incidents. Effectively tackled infection control. Effectively managing risk Maintained level one risk management standards, as determined by the NHS Litigation Authority. Protecting information Compliance with the Information Governance Toolkit – a system for NHS organisations to assess themselves against policies and standards.

Achievements A positive patient experience   A positive patient experience An overall satisfaction rate of 100% amongst patients surveyed as part of our real time monitoring, with an carers overall satisfaction rate of 91%. 100% of patients surveyed agreed that staff treated them with privacy and dignity. 100% of carers satisfied with the care and treatment received by the person they cared for.

Delivering our Cost Improvement Programme The NHS makes efficiencies by reducing the national tariff each year. Our income is based this tariff and we have to make necessary financial savings. The Trust has a £12.6m Cost Improvement Programme (CIP) in place with planned savings over a five year period. CIP plans have been developed by each of our clinical divisions, enabling and hosted services. Our service development initiatives are a key part of our efficiency plans. Delivering our Cost Improvement Programme (CIP) safely The NHS makes efficiencies by reducing the national tariff each year.

Service Development Initiatives Within our five year Integrated Business Plan we have identified five strategic services development initiatives (SDIs). A foundation for maintaining our quality standards whilst delivering savings through service redesign. These initiatives focus on providing high quality and efficient services which are responsive to service user needs and help to protect and expand our share of the overall market.

Community Health Services Improving outcomes for frail older people This initiative aims to: Redesign community health services to enable a ‘shift’ from hospital based services to more community based provision. The initiative will free up capacity within community hospitals to help the whole health economy redesign services and make efficiencies. Ensure access to a range of services which maximise independence and enable frail older people to live in the setting of their choice whenever possible. Patients will be admitted to the appropriate hospital environment, whether community or acute, only when absolutely necessary.

Community Health Services Transforming community dementia services This initiative aims to: Introduce a memory service pathway to enable specialist services to concentrate on more complex patients. Resign the Intensive Community Assessment and Treatment Service to ensure it focuses on preventing admissions to hospital so that patients are discharged from acute dementia assessment and treatment beds as early as possible (where this is in the best interests of the patient). Support the reduction of anti-psychotic medication for people with dementia living in care homes. Improve the quality of care for people with dementia by building staff capabilities.

Learning Disability Services Development of locality based community teams and improved integration with primary care, social care and mainstream secondary care services This initiative aims to: Develop effective locality team working to enable a care pathway based approach, linking the locality teams to wider networks and an increase in health promotion support. Redesign learning disability community services and enhance home treatment and crisis management. This involves strengthening the outreach and refocusing the autism service, and continuing to develop locality team working to enable a care pathway and clinical network approach. Move from a bed based short breaks service to a peripatetic, flexible 24/7 community team. Further develop partnerships across health and social care and with our service users and their families and work with them to improve intervention and enablement.  

Adult Mental Health Services Delivering excellence in acute mental health services This initiative aims to: Redesign of the adult mental health acute care pathway to provide timely care to prevent admission where possible and facilitated by the Centre of Excellence at the Bradgate Unit. This involves strengthening the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Service and introducing a Single Point of Access telephone service.  The redesign of the adult mental health recovery service based around community mental health teams, outpatients and specialist services. This will optimise service user recovery on discharge and better align the service to primary care. This initiative will also result in reduced waiting times for psychological therapy treatments.

Research and Development Information Management and Technology (IM&T) Supporting Strategies The organisation’s focus is the delivery of high quality integrated services that advance the health and wellbeing of the people we serve. Each of our corporate (enabling) departments have strategies in place to support delivery of the organisation’s objectives. Estates Quality Workforce Business Development Research and Development Information Management and Technology (IM&T)

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