Active Healthy Kids Canada is a national charitable organization established in 1994 that works to power the movement to get kids moving ™ Provides strategic national leadership – advancing knowledge, evidence- informed communication and advocacy strategies – to influence issue stakeholders who affect physical activity opportunities for children and youth The primary vehicle to achieve this mandate is the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth and its related activities 2 About Us
3 The Report Card, now in its ninth year of production, is an evidence-informed communications and advocacy piece designed to provide insight into Canada’s “state of the nation” each year on how, as a country, we are being responsible in providing physical activity opportunities for children and youth. Our model has been replicated in other jurisdictions around the world including Kenya, South Africa, Mexico and Louisiana. Report Card
Report Card Indicators and Grades The 2013 Report Card assigns letter grades to 17 different indicators grouped into three categories. Grades are based on an examination of current data against a benchmark along with an assessment of trends over time, international comparisons and the presence of disparities. Together, the indicators provide a robust and comprehensive assessment of physical activity of Canadian children and youth 4
5 Grade assignments are determined based on examination of the current data and literature for each indicator against a benchmark or optimal scenario, assessing the indicator to be poor, adequate, good or excellent: A = We are succeeding with a large majority of children and youth. B = We are succeeding with well over half of children and youth. C = We are succeeding with about half of children and youth. D = We are succeeding with less than half, but some, children and youth. F = We are succeeding with very few children and youth. Methodology
6 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Canadian Physical Activity Levels Among Youth Survey (CANPLAY; CFLRI) Health Behaviour of School-aged Children Survey (HBSC) Healthy Living Habits Study (HLHS) Keeping Pace Opportunities for Physical Activity at School Survey (CFLRI) Physical Activity Monitor (PAM; CFLRI) Quebec en Forme School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System – Prince Edward Island (SHAPES-PEI) Youth Smoking Survey (YSS ) 2013 Key Data Sources In addition, the long form Report Card includes a comprehensive set of references and a variety of specific recommendations in each section and can be accessed at
School Policy & Programming Benchmark % of schools with active school policies (e.g., daily PE, Daily Physical Activity, recess, “everyone plays” approach, bike racks at school, traffic calming on school property, outdoor time). % of schools where the majority (≥ 80%) of students are taught PE by a specialist. % of schools where the majority (≥ 80%) of students are offered at least 150 minutes of PE per week. % of schools that offer physical activity opportunities (excluding PE) to the majority (≥ 80%) of their students. % of parents with children and youth who have access to physical activity opportunities at school in addition to PE classes Grade C School Policy & Programming
10 School Policy & Programming
40% of schools in Canada report having a fully implemented policy that ensures the allocation of funding for student equipment (2011 OPASS, CFLRI) % of schools in Canada report having a fully implemented policy that ensures an “everyone plays” approach (2011 OPASS, CFLRI) School Policy & Programming (Other) Key Findings
12 School Policy & Programming
20% of schools in Canada report that they never provide physical activity opportunities as a reward. Conversely, 47% of schools report that they never cancel physical activity opportunities as a disciplinary measure (2011 OPASS, CFLRI).104 According to school administrators in Canada, the percentage of students who have available opportunities for at least 150 minutes of weekly PE is as follows: 29% of kindergarten to Grade 6 students, 41% of Grade 7 to 8 students and 65% of Grade 9 to 12 students (2011 OPASS, CFLRI) % and 35% of 10- to 17-year-olds in Quebec feel school places a lot of emphasis on student participation in competitive sports and non-competitive sports respectively (these are not mutually exclusive) (2010 QEF). 13 School Policy & Programming (Other) Key Findings
According to childcare directors in Kingston, Ontario, 37% of licensed childcare centres have a formal, written policy on physical activity/gross motor skills that is separate from Ontario’s Day Nurseries Act (2011 HLHS). 12% of these directors also report that their childcare centres have a formal, written policy on screen time that is separate from the Day Nurseries Act (2011 HLHS). 14 School Policy & Programming (Other) Key Findings
Provincial/territorial governments should consider implementing policies that identify and target physical activity levels as Manitoba Education has done by requiring high school students to obtain 4 PE credits in order to graduate.105 All elementary schools should have recess (opportunity for free play) at least twice per day. Access and opportunity to be physically active during recess should exist regardless of weather conditions. More schools need to implement a policy to hire teachers with a university qualification to teach PE. 15 School Policy & Programming Recommendations
Research is needed that assesses objectively measured physical activity levels of students during different policy-mandated activities (e.g., recess, daily PE) and that also assesses the student-, school- and community level factors that lead to higher levels of physical activity during these times. Research is needed on how effective physical activity practices can be better shared across schools, regions and provinces. Research is needed on how provincial/territorial governments and school districts and their community partners can better support effective implementation of physical activity policies. Research is needed on the possible disconnect between school physical activity policies and participation rates. 16 School Policy & Programming Research Gaps
School Infrastructure & Equipment Benchmark % of schools with students who have regular access to facilities and equipment that support physical activity (e.g., gymnasium, outdoor playgrounds, sporting fields, multi purpose space for physical activity, equipment in good condition) Grade B+ School Infrastructure & Equipment
95% of school administrators in Canada report that students have regular access to a gymnasium during school hours ( HBSC). School administrators report that students have access to indoor facilities (68%) and equipment (56%) outside of school hours ( HBSC). 18 School Infrastructure & Equipment Key Findings
Create effective and safe play areas by identifying play equipment that promotes movement exploration and physical activity in children and youth, and focus spending on these resources. Physical activity initiatives should take gender differences into consideration and provide flexible activities directed at female students. School Infrastructure & Equipment Recommendations
More research is needed to identify barriers to physical activity participation in school environments, particularly in females, in order to minimize gender gaps in participation and to create more supportive physical activity environments. More research is needed on how to create accessible and safe play areas for children and youth that promote physical activity. More research is needed using national and provincial/territorial surveys to help identify opportunities and gaps with respect to availability of play spaces in childcare settings. Research is needed to determine the relationship between availability and use of space, and the extent to which use translates into increased levels of physical activity. 20 School Infrastructure & Equipment Research Gaps
21 Thank you to…
22 Our Funders
23 The Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute provides leadership on scientific data collection and analysis and the content development process for the Report Card and related knowledge-exchange activities. ParticipACTION provides leadership on communications strategy, marketing, media and public relations support and provides Active Healthy Kids Canada with access to organizational infrastructure and administrative support. Strategic Partners
Research Work Group Dr. Mark Tremblay (Chief Scientific Officer) Dr. Rachel Colley (Chair and Scientific Officer) Joel Barnes (Research Manager and Lead Author) Mike Arthur (Department of Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia) Christine Cameron (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute) Jean-Philippe Chaput (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute) Guy Faulkner (University of Toronto) Ian Janssen (Queen’s University) Angela Kolen-Thompson (St. Francis Xavier University) Stephen Manske (Propel Centre for Population Health Impact, University of Waterloo) Art Salmon (Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Ontario) John C. Spence (University of Alberta) Brian Timmons (McMaster University)
25 For more information
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