Wetland Environments By, Janet Hooks : )
ECOSYSTEM- All of the BIOTIC (living) things and all of the ABIOTIC (non-living) factors in an environment. WETLANDS: Ecosystems in which the roots of plants are submerged (under water) at least part of the year. BIOTIC things: All living things!!! ABIOTIC things: water, topography (hills, valleys, flat land), landforms, geology (rocks & soil), sunlight, temperature, air quality, amount of dissolved oxygen (O 2 ) in the water
MARSH An area of tall grasses and reeds covered by shallow water. SWAMP A “ flooded forest ” with trees & bushes growing IN the water. TYPES OF WETLANDS BOG Often formed in depressions left by melting ice sheets. Lots of low-growing moss.
ESTUARIES: ~Water that is PARTLY SALTY & PARTLY FRESH is called BRACKISH Bodies of SALT WATER, connected to the ocean, that are DILUTED (made less salty) by FRESH WATER flowing out from rivers & streams) Salt Water from Ocean Fresh Water from rivers
FRESH WATER flows into the Chesapeake Bay from many rivers, including: -Potomac -Rappahannock -York -James …but also from rivers as far away as New York! CHESAPEAKE BAY (map on pg. 322) It is the 3rd largest estuary in the world! The Chesapeake Bay is THE LARGEST ESTUARY IN THE CONTIGUOUS (connected) United States.
The Chesapeake Bay is one of the MOST PRODUCTIVE estuaries in the U.S. It is home to many species of plants and animals such as: Oysters Clams Blue Crabs Bluefish Bass CHESAPEAKE BAY (continued) Estuaries, like the Chesapeake Bay, provide a HABITAT (home) for many organisms & serve as nurseries for their young.
COASTAL WETLANDS: Coastal Wetlands usually contain BRACKISH water Coastal Wetlands usually contain BRACKISH water SALT MARSHES ~ tall, strong grasses ~ muddy bottom ~ found on coasts of the U.S. *The area right behind our school is a MARSH! MANGROVE FORESTS ~ short trees with thick, tangled roots ~ found along central & southern coasts of Florida COAST: an area where the land meets the ocean! * We live on the EAST COAST!
WETLANDS ARE IMPORTANT BECAUSE... F (1) Help Control Flooding: * Roots & stems help * Roots & stems help SLOW DOWN the flow SLOW DOWN the flow of water over land! of water over land! * Wet land acts like a * Wet land acts like a SPONGE! SPONGE! WET land absorbs WET land absorbs (soaks up) water MUCH (soaks up) water MUCH quicker than dry land. quicker than dry land. ….because water molecules “ stick ” together ---they are COHESIVE!!! F (3) Reduce Erosion: Plant roots and stems keep soil from washing away! F (2) Filter Out Impurities: Roots & stems trap pollutants which cleans the water like a BIG FILTER!
WETLANDS ALSO PROVIDE... F Food & Shelter for wildlife, fish, & birds for wildlife, fish, & birds F Nesting & Resting Areas for migratory (traveling) birds for migratory (traveling) birds