Sharing Best Practice 26th July 2012 Community Development
Poole Housing Partnership ALMO managing the Council’s housing stock in Poole Approximately 5000 homes, xxx staff Satisfaction with consultation; Views taken into account, general needs 76% in 2010 up from 61% and Sheltered 86% up from 71% in 2008 Being kept informed; general needs 85% up from 84% and Sheltered 90%, the same as 2008
√ Board of Directors – Resident Representatives√ Housing Strategy Panel – Main consultative panel: Resident led; voting members√ Resident Scrutiny Panel: New framework March 2012√ Reinvestment Panel: Resident Chair, decision making, spending budget√ LCRs: high level of engagement, democratic process ;currently 29√ Working Groups and Panels; members only or public,√ Formal Structures
√ Working Groups and Panels; (members only or public)√ Project or area specific eg: New Roots ASB – Focus on ASB Grounds Maintenance & Cleaning (currently 11) √ Surveys; Satisfaction Survey (Independent, 2 yrly) Project / service specific √ Associations/clubs (formal and social) – PHP contribution√ Less Formal Structures
Best Practice Examples Resident Scrutiny Panel formed in late 2011 with first formal meeting held March 2012 Panel of 10 with resident Chair and facilitation moving towards residents Residents report outcomes to other Panels or Board Scrutiny of service areas Service Standards Customer Service Complaints Caretaking Services Annual Report
Fundays and Events Held in the heart of the community; planned with the community FREE family fun day out Partnership approach; Police, Fire, BoP: Family Information Service, Children’ Service, UHP etc.. PHP new and existing project updates Surveys, Resident Involvement, Financial Inclusion Team
Grow Your Own Turlin Moor Community Garden Opens 10 th June
Community gardens, allotments and gardening projects Wide ranging involvement: PHP residents, Youth Centre, School, Nurseries, Children’s Centre, Councillors, Police, Church, Community Dev, Quay School Boards, beds, seeds and plants, local shop etc Launch: 60 attended in pouring rain! Over 100 people have joined in so far Resident led panel to oversee delivery of project
Community and neighbourhood projects Schemes come from residents; they lead on consultation Improving communities - local knowledge of what’s needed Challenge – does it fit with Council objectives ‘A safe enclosed space to play while people of all ages and abilities can relax…’ Resident support through to Panel/approval level
Forums and Panels Looking at contracts and specifications Looking at performance Looking at behaviours and standards Sharing good practice Developing knowledge and skills
Reviewing Services Car Parking Review; 2010 to 2012 …ongoing ! Area specific – Poole Town and some sheltered schemes Range of stakeholders and range of consultation: Parking Review Steering Group Public Meetings (held locally) Letters/Newsletters Legislative, Committee bound, time bound Learning outcomes: High volume consultation early in process Implementation needs
Engaging with the wider community Line dancing Age concern pop in Poetry clubs Art and painting French lessons Memory café Armchair exercises Community clubs Wii tournament Lunch clubs Community Hubs Darts Cards afternoon Bingo Gardening club Exercise class Music rehearsal Karaoke Quiz nights Horse racing evenings Cheese and wine evenings Sheltered Housing Open Week
New ways to engage TV in PHP reception Interactive Channel; opening up the ways for involvement and contact for PHP residents; go live 25 th July Volunteering with PHP ; helping someone to stay involved in their community Be current, stay current
Change to engage Review what we do Why we do it How we do it Understand our residents – profiling/surveys/consultation Who they are What they like Tailor approach
Thank you Janet Read on behalf of Carmelina Brown Head of Housing Management Tel or