GEM Ames Annual Report M. Blanco, F. Engstrom, M. Shen, A. Smelser USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 5, G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize
GEM Releases 258 total GEM Releases (updated) 8 GEM-Ames releases for University of Wisconsin W615S (GQS C0 derived) W616S (AR16026:S1719 derived)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Pathology/Entomology Support GLS, SLB, and Fusarium ear rot (USDA-ARS- PSRU Raleigh, NC) Aflatoxin (USDA-ARS CHPRRU, MS State) Diplodia, Head smut, and Fusarium ear rot (DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred) NLB, GLS, and Goss’s Wilt (PSR) Army Worm/CEW (USDA-ARS-CGBRU Tifton) Army Worm/CEW (3 rd Millennium Genetics)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Allelic Diversity(AD) and Double Haploids (DH) Update 430 DH lines 252 of 430 DH lines with sufficient seed for distribution (represents 54 races from 13 countries) 594 rows of allelic diversity for advancing 115 races (from 14 countries)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Nursery and Isolations Blocks 8,700 nursery, and 1,300 isolation block rows at GEM-Ames Unsucessful pollinations to heat and drought ~30- 35% at GEM-Ames Wide scale heat and drought impacted all US GEM cooperators Generous in kind support from 5 US companies for winter isolations Additional nursery support from 4 other US companies in winter nurseries
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Publications and Outreach (ARS, University, Graduate, and Undergraduate Students) 13 peer reviewed publications 9 Abstracts 8 other (invited presentations, student conferences, etc.)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Public Cooperator Reports Iowa State University- Germplasm Improvement for Starch and Bio-fuel Texas A&M U.- GEM Germplasm for drought, CEW, and low aflatoxin Truman State U.- Specialty Starch Germplasm to Optimize Grain Quality & Yield U. of Wisconsin-Development for Superior Silage, Biofeedstock yield, and composition
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM Field Days Ames, IA (ARS-NCRPIS GEM Project) Fargo, ND (North Dakota State University, Marcelo Carena ) Etter, TX (Texas A &M University, Wenwei Xu) Beijing, China (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tianyu Wang); 1 st International Field Day Combined total of more than 740 visitors at 4 locations
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM Field Days - CAAS, Beijing, China (Sept , 2012)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM Field Days - Ames, IA (Sept. 18, 2012)