Unit #2 Exam Review Quiz Grade: «grade» Subject: «subject» Date: «date»
1 The most famous deep sea submersible is named A Alvin B Beebe C Pichard D Deep Sea #5
2All of the following are adaptations for plankton dealing with the viscosity of water EXCEPT: A Warm-water copepods have many appendages B Many plankton have a small surface area to volume ration in order to maximize the buoyant force of water C Many plankton produce a small amount of oil to help keep themselves lower in the water column D Cold-water copepods are more hydrodynamic
3Generally, which of the following is TRUE about phytoplankton & zooplankton A Zooplankton require sunlight and stable temperatures B Phytoplankton can be found deep within the aphotic zone of the ocean C Zooplankon are the primary source of nutrition for phytoplankton D Phytoplankton are smaller than zooplankton
4Bioaccumulation can be defined as: A The amount of energy that is retained with each increasing level of the food chain is only 10% B 90% of the energy from the lower-levels of the food chain is l ost to the environment as thermal & other forms of energy C A substance building up in the tissues of organisms and increasing in toxicity up the food chain D A substance building up in the tissues of higher-level organisms & causing a toxic trickle-down effect on lower-level organisms
5The deep scattering layer is defined by… A The migrations of organisms through the depths to avoid salinity B The migrations of organisms through the depths to avoid sunlight C The migrations of organisms along the Great Ocean Conveyer D The scattering of organisms throughout the aphotic water column
6Eratosthenes accurately determined the circumference of the Earth to be A 40,000 kilometers B 40,000 miles C 400,000 kilometers D 400,000 miles
7Which of the following is an example of an organism using chromatophores: A B C D
8Which of the following pictures demonstrates counter-shading A B C D
9The largest ocean garbage patch can be found in the: A Atlantic Ocean B Pacific Ocean C Arctic Ocean D Indian Ocean
10What percent of aquatic species are considered benthic? A 5% B 25% C 60% D 98%
11Many squid are considered merobenthic. This means: A they spend a portion of their life as bottom dwellers B they spend all of their life as floaters C they spend a portion of their life as floaters D they spend all of their life as bottom dwellers
12Minamata disease is associated with which toxic element: A Cadmium B Lead C Petroleum D Mercury
13When considering their fresh water environment, perch (fresh water fish) are __________ when compared to their environment. A hypotonic B hypertonic C isotonic D osmotic
14Plastic is very damaging to an aquatic environment for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A It is not readily biodegradable B it sinks to the bottom and embeds in the substrate C its has high tensile strength D it can entangle organisms/be mistaken for food and consumed
15Which of the following zones of the ocean is under the highest pressure: A Epipelagic B Mesopelagic C Bathypelagic D Abyssopelagic
16All of the following zones are aphotic EXCEPT: A hadal B mesopelagic C bathypelagic D abysopelagic
17Ancient fish hooks and spear date back to A 1 million BCE B 5000 BCE C 1000 BCE D 50 BCE
18Ferdinand Magellan is known for A founding the first school of navigation B attempting to find a west-ward route to India C attempting to find a east-ward route to India D being the first to circumnavigate the world
19The first people known to have traveled across thousands of kilometers of open ocean were the A phoenicians B polynesians C greeks D egyptians
20Fridtjof Nansen and his crew of 13 got their ship, the Fram, stuck in ice during an attempt to reach the North Pole. For three years their ship drifted while they continued their expedition. The drift of the ship yielded what discovery? A The Arctic has no continent B The Arctic is made of the smallest continent on the globe C Polar bears actively hunt humans D It’s a bad idea to sail through frozen waters
21Pelagic organisms can be: A nektonic & planktonic B benthic & planktonic C benthic & nektonic D planktonic & chromatophores
22Asterias rubens is the scientific name for the common starfish. These can be found in many coastal waters. These organisms must be __________________ in order to survive in these waters. A eurythermal & stenohaline B eurythermal & euryhaline C stenothermal & stenohaline D stenothermal & euryhaline
23All of the following are known to have a negative bioaccumulating affect EXCEPT: A Nitrogenous byproducts from fertilizers (TAN) B Mercury (Hg) C Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) D Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
24Which of the following is FALSE when considering coastal wetlands: A They are ideal locations for larger predators to hunt B They can be found in low & mid latitudes C The water is considered brackish D They are defined as saturated areas that border coastal environments
25Classification of marine organisms (plankton, nekton, benthos) are organized by: A Habitat & diet B Diet & nervous system C Diet & mobility D Habitat & mobility
26If you depressurize too quickly, which element will form gas bubbles in your blood A hydrogen B oxygen C nitrogen D carbon dioxide
27An organism that survives by being part of the deep scattering layer (DSL) would most likely be found in which of the following zones during daylight hours: A Benthic B Epipelagic C Euphotic D Bathypelagic
28When considering the salt content, marlin are __________ when compared to their environment. A hypotonic B hypertonic C isotonic D osmotic
29Which of the following would be considered an sensible adaptation to an environment: A Fish that live in the open ocean are often colorful B Fish that are dominant predators have relatively small teeth C Fast swimming fish only have a soft dorsal fin D Fish that live in a low-light environment have large eyes...
30Which of the following is planktonic A a barnacle B a jellyfish C a dolphin D a sea star
31Which of the following is NOT an adaptation to adjust to the high transparency of open water: A Consuming phytoplankton B Deep sea layer migrations C Transparent cells & chromatophores D Countershading
32Which of the following is NOT a consequence of removing mangrove swamps/salt marshes: A Fish populations would increase due to more available space for nurseries B The biological productivity of the entire area would decrease C Water would become more polluted due to the loss of filtration D Nearby areas are more likely to flood
33Most cold-water plankton have a streamline body structure in order to deal with… A The lower viscosity of cold water B The higher viscosity of cold water C The lower clarity of cold water D The higher clarity of cold water
34What percent of energy is "lost" as energy moves up an ecological/food pyramid? A 10% B 25% C 65% D 90%
35In which of the following places would you most likely find a fish that requires both a stenothermal and a stenohalide environment: A Coastal Wetlands B 100 meters down in the open ocean C Coastal Waters such as a beach D A lagoon protected by multiple barrier islands