We believe that the first step is to involve everyone in this actitate because it is very important to live in a clean and healthy environment. We believe that the environment is all of the conditions and natural elements of earth: air, water, soil and subsoil, all walks of atmosphere, all organic and inorganic materials and living beings, the natural interaction. State environment depends only on each of us, it directly affects our health and life. It requires more attention from each CITIZEN to live in a clean environment to breathe clean air, to drink clean water and to use for life what nature provides us. However, it seems that people deal with the negligence aspect of their lives, leading to aggravation of pollution and environmental destruction and, the destruction of health of each of us and those around them. The environmental pollutants on the human body are very diverse and complex. It can range from simple inconveniences in human body to strong disturbances of health and even loss of lives. These effects have been noticed for a long time, but the man was all over the irresponsible nature.
The importance of green spaces is vital. First you should keep the green spaces we have already. The protection and expansion should be encouraged and stimulated CITIZEN participation, the schools and associations. Our group supports the need for subjecting public debate major issues related to green spaces, even if it’s work that is going to take place in these areas.
After destination green spaces are divided into green spaces with access: parks, vineyards along the traffic routes, forest recreation, etc… green areas with limited access, owned industrial units, education and culture inside tamant which are arranged; green-spaces with special destination: antiincendiare plantations, the protection of water, horses traffic, experimental stations, nurseries, etc… After we unite and we will all agree to preserve green spaces cleaner, we will go along the hall where it will likely take action.