What is an Area Development District? The Area Development Districts comprise a statewide network of multi-county planning and development organizations. They serve as forums, clearinghouses, technical centers, conveners for the region and provide continuity to projects during the transition of local elected officials. The ADDs strive to foster regional strategies, solutions and partnerships that achieve sustainable economic growth and improve the overall quality of life for the citizens of Kentucky. Unlike many other organizations structured along multi-jurisdictional lines, the ADDs have both federal and state statutory authority.
What is the Kentucky Council of ADDs? KCADD is the organization with 500 plus members that represents all ADD board members throughout KY. Our objective is to take a holistic approach to fostering regional collaboration and progress by focusing on the concept that local governments, along with businesses and community leaders, can accomplish more by working together than individually.
ADDs Provide Assistance in the Following Areas: : Community and Economic Development Economic Development Grants/Loans Community Enhancement Grants Water & Sewer System Development Local Government Assistance Low-Income Housing Programs Small Business Assistance Regional Industrial Parks Hazard Mitigation Planning GIS/GPS Mapping Services Public Administration Specialists
Transportation Planning Regional Transportation Planning Metropolitan Transportation Planning Traffic Studies & Accident Reports Workforce Development Workforce Investment Act Programs Labor Market Trends and Analyses One-Stop Career Center Services Job Search Assistance Training for Dislocated Workers ADDs Provide Assistance in the Following Areas: :
Aging, Health & Social Services Area Agency on Aging Senior Citizen Centers In-Home Assistance Programs Case Management Services CDO Medicaid Waiver Program Long-Term Care Ombudsman Aging and Disability Resources ADDs Provide Assistance in the Following Areas: :
Public Administration Specialists Assist Local Governments in the Following Areas: Financial/Budgeting Assistance Human Resources Research/Special Studies Local Government Training Staffing Local Groups Municipal Road Aid Assistance LGEAF Assistance Procurement Assistance Technical Assistance for Grant Programs
Community Impact Assistance with tax rate calculations, budgets and purchasing issues Help with developing job descriptions and personnel policies Answers to questions regarding statutes, meeting requirements, open records, etc. Training opportunities for local officials and staff City Budget Workshops Newly Elected Official Training Other Regionally Relevant Topics
Community Impact Technical assistance with other questions, research and special projects Improving the capacity and efficiency of local governments
Community Impact Project Development and Administration for: Water and Wastewater Systems Improvements through: Community Development Block Grant Program U.S.D.A. Rural Development State Revolving Loan Fund Kentucky Infrastructure Authority Loan and Grant Programs Housing Projects through: Community Development Block Grants Kentucky Housing Corporation U.S.D.A Rural Development
Community Impact Project Development and Administration for: Community Projects through: Community Development Block Grant U.S.D.A Rural Development Economic Development (tax incentives, loans) Community Development Block Grant Economic Development Administration Tax Incentives Loans
Community Impact Improvements to Recreational Facilities through: Recreational Trails Program Land & Water Conservation Fund Assistance with a Variety of Federal and State Programs Transportation Enhancements Homeland Security projects Area Development Fund Assistance to Firefighters program
Community Impact Work as a liaison between communities and these agencies: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Emergency Management Administration Department for Local Government U.S. Economic Development Administration
ADD Staff Assist Local Governments in the Following Areas: Water Management Council Grant Writing Assistance GIS/GPS Transportation Planning Hazard Mitigation
Contact Information Purchase Area Development District Ms. Jennifer Beck Walker, Executive Director Jeremy Buchanan, Public Administration Specialist Phone: Fax: