Arts Updates 2012 Kentucky Art Education Association October 19, 2012 Richmond, Ky.
Today’s Goals Standards updateStandards update Program ReviewsProgram Reviews Arts IntegrationArts Integration
Standards updates
O American Alliance for Theatre and Education O Arts Education Partnership O The College Board O Educational Theatre Association O National Association for Music Education O National Art Education Association O National Dance Education Organization O State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education
The teams leading the way O More than 380 individuals applied to serve on five art discipline standards writing teams O NCCAS ’ s professional organizations chose teams based on breadth of and skills in teaching, standards and curriculum writing, assessment and leadership, and practical knowledge in their area of expertise O Visit for a complete list of writers
O The International Arts Education Standards: A Survey of Fifteen Countries and Regions O Arts Education Standards and 21st Century Skills, Common Core O College Learning in the Arts: A Summary and Analysis of Recommendations and Expectations for Arts O Child Development and Arts Education Research Review O A Review of Selected State Arts Standards O A Survey of Higher Education Arts Study by Non-majors Currently doing an alignment study with Common Core and the Arts Standards Framework. The College Board’s research
O Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions that are both broad and discipline specific. O Cornerstone Assessments that demonstrate student learning. O Artistic processes (Creating, Performing / Presenting / Producing, Responding & Connecting) in the arts disciplines. O Process Components that illustrate the non-sequential cognitive and inquiry-based actions that might occur during art making. O Standards that demonstrate—discipline by discipline—student outcomes and artistic literacy gained through standards-based arts education and engagement in creative practice. A non-hierarchical framework
O Artists utilize inquiry, curiosity, exploration, and experimentation to integrate ideas from various sources to create personally meaningful works of art. O The manipulation of the basic arts elements and principles affect the expressive qualities of artworks and their interpretations. O Artists analyze, evaluate, and refine their work over time toward an ever-rising standard of excellence. O Artists choose to follow or break established conventions in pursuit of expressive goals. Enduring Understandings (Generic)
O Why do people make art? O Where do artists get their ideas? O What kind of artist am I? O In what ways do available resources, tools, and technologies affect artistic expression? O How do the arts reflect, as well as shape, culture? Essential Questions (Generic)
What are Cornerstone Assessments?
O are curriculum-embedded O recur over the grades O establish authentic contexts O assess understanding & transfer O integrate 21st century skills O evaluate performance with established rubrics O engage students in meaningful learning O provide content for a student’s portfolio -Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins Effective cornerstone tasks
Program reviews
Grade RangeArts & HumanitiesPL/CSWriting Total Elementary Middle High Grade RangeArts & HumanitiesPL/CSWritingK , Total Elementary Middle33.3 NA100 High33.3 NA100 Grade RangeArts & HumanitiesPL/CSWritingK-3 World Language & beyond Total Elementary Middle25 NA25100 High25 NA25100
Plans for support O Guidelines for Program Review Evidence O Annotated examples of evidence O Future web-based professional learning
rotation O Allows schools to focus an in-depth review on a minimum of one program area o Plan for improvement, include in CSIP o All program areas will receive an in-depth review on a three- to four- year cycle o Continue program improvement identified by previous year’s data o All reviews submitted annually in ASSIST
review data on Program Reviews Writing In-depth, develop next steps Address Writing improvement Make adjustments as necessary A&H In-Depth Address Writing and A&H improvement Make adjustments as necessary PL/CS in-depth Address Writing, A&H, PL/CS Make adjustments as necessary Repeat cycle that began in
All program reviews must be entered into ASSIST for O Data entered into the diagnostic will not carry over O Arts and Humanities, Practical Living/Career Studies and Writing for school accountability O K-3 for the field test
In-depth process O “… a systematic method of analyzing components of an instructional program …” (KRS ) O On-going, year-round, reflective. O Suggested minimum of three formative reviews per school year
Beginning of the school year: O Current level O Identify program strengths and areas of improvement O Develop initial improvement plans O Ensures programs are prepared for quality implementation O Determine where school-wide integration skills are needed
Mid-year: O Engages stakeholders in formative reflection about their programs based on evidence identified to date O Ensures programs are being implemented as planned O Affirms program needs are being addressed O Informs the decision to continue or adjust
Year end: O Determines the level of school-wide natural integration across content, program areas O Provides annual check up for each program O Allows reflection on impact of program improvement decisions and implementation of earlier strategies O Informs decisions for the next school year
Evidence O Natural result of teaching and learning O Student product O Students have met standards and objectives O Occurs on an ongoing basis O Supports the stated rationale O Could a reasonable outside person look at a school’s evidence and reach the same conclusion about a program rating as the school team did?
How are we going to integrate the arts?
The Kennedy Center’s Definition of Arts Integration
Three Variations Arts as Curriculum Arts Enhanced Curriculum Arts Integrated Curriculum
Gene Wilhoit, Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers
What does the data tell us? Fault Lines in Our Democracy: Civic Knowledge, Voting Behavior, and Civic Engagement in the United States Educational Testing Service, Richard J. Cooley
The Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth: Findings from Four Longitudinal Studies National Endowment for the Arts study, James S. Catterall
Program review contacts O Arts & Humanities Robert Duncan O PL/CS O PE & Health Jamie Sparks Todd Davis Stephanie Bunge O Careers Leslie Slaughter Matt Chaliff O Writing Jackie Rogers O K-3 Rebecca Atkins-Stumbo O World Language Jacque Van Houten O Accountability Rae McEntyre