Kentucky Travel Demand Model Users Group Overview for the TNMUG Organizational Meeting on January 26, 2004 in Nashville by Rob Bostrom, P.E. Division of.


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Presentation transcript:

Kentucky Travel Demand Model Users Group Overview for the TNMUG Organizational Meeting on January 26, 2004 in Nashville by Rob Bostrom, P.E. Division of Multimodal Programs

Presentation Overview Overview of Travel Demand Modeling in KY Overview of Travel Demand Modeling in KY PurposePurpose PlayersPlayers Model TypesModel Types Model UsesModel Uses Model SoftwareModel Software KY MUG Overview KY MUG Overview Meeting topicsMeeting topics Web siteWeb site Running the MUGRunning the MUG ChangesChanges

Travel Demand Models/Uses Forecasting - especially new facilities Forecasting - especially new facilities Air Quality - VMT, speed forecasting, Mobile 5.0b/6.0 inputs Air Quality - VMT, speed forecasting, Mobile 5.0b/6.0 inputs Transportation Plans - used for MPO and small urban area needs analysis Transportation Plans - used for MPO and small urban area needs analysis Corridor studies - I-66, I-69, I-74, and other major routes Corridor studies - I-66, I-69, I-74, and other major routes Special - CVM (Commercial Vehicle Monitoring) station optimization, User Cost Analysis, Detour Analysis Special - CVM (Commercial Vehicle Monitoring) station optimization, User Cost Analysis, Detour Analysis

Modeling Players In-House In-House MultimodalMultimodal MPOsMPOs KIPDA, KIPDA, OKI OKI Lexington Lexington Ashland, Clarksville, Owensboro, E-town, Bowling Green, Henderson/Evansville Ashland, Clarksville, Owensboro, E-town, Bowling Green, Henderson/Evansville Consultants Consultants Four Statewide On-Demand ContractsFour Statewide On-Demand Contracts Others on individual projectsOthers on individual projects

Modeling Software MinUTP MinUTP Old modelsOld models Hybrid Models (Owensboro)Hybrid Models (Owensboro) Current KYSTMCurrent KYSTM TransCAD TransCAD New modelsNew models

Travel Demand Models/Types KYSTM KYSTM MPO MPO County-level County-level Small urban Small urban Subarea Subarea Sketch Sketch

Travel Demand Models/Statewide Travel Demand Models/Statewide

Travel Demand Models/Statewide

Travel Demand Models/MPO Travel Demand Models/MPO

Travel Demand Models/MPO

Travel Demand Models County-Level

Travel Demand Models/Small Urban Area

Travel Demand Models/Subarea

MUG Background Going since 1995 Going since 1995 Formed because of need to evaluate new software Formed because of need to evaluate new software Meet about 3 times/year Meet about 3 times/year Workshops Workshops Morning meetings Morning meetings Participants: State, local, consultants, MPO, academic, FHWA Participants: State, local, consultants, MPO, academic, FHWA

MUG Topics Travel Demand Models Travel Demand Models SoftwareSoftware TRANSIMSTRANSIMS Statewide ModelStatewide Model MPO ModelsMPO Models Urbanized modelsUrbanized models

MUG Topics Travel Demand Model Interfaces Travel Demand Model Interfaces Forecasting/projectsForecasting/projects DataData TMS TMS Surveys Surveys SE data SE data OD OD Air quality/Mobile6.0Air quality/Mobile6.0 Other tools Other tools Traffic simulation modelsTraffic simulation models Freight/ReebieFreight/Reebie GISGIS

MUG Web Site Web: Web: Members Members ~114~114 Put in Access data basePut in Access data base Share w/ whoeverShare w/ whoever Presentations Presentations Links Links TMIPTMIP TRB statewide model committeeTRB statewide model committee Other MUGsOther MUGs

Running the MUG Steering Committee Steering Committee 3-man planning team3-man planning team Everybody helpsEverybody helps Meetings Meetings Topic selectionTopic selection Securing speakersSecuring speakers Meeting prep.Meeting prep. Day of meetingDay of meeting HonorariumsHonorariums Meeting follow-upMeeting follow-up Training creditTraining credit Publicity Publicity Distribution List Distribution List Member listMember list

MUG Meeting Details Workshops Workshops 4-6 hours4-6 hours 6-10 sessions6-10 sessions National experts & local expertsNational experts & local experts TopicsTopics Speed Estimation Speed Estimation Traffic Simulation Traffic Simulation Travel Surveys Travel Surveys Statewide Model Stakeholders Statewide Model Stakeholders Travel Demand Model Data Travel Demand Model Data Innovative Modeling Technologies Innovative Modeling Technologies

MUG Meeting Details Morning meetings Morning meetings 2-3 hours2-3 hours 4-5 presentations4-5 presentations Sponsorship of FHWA/other training Sponsorship of FHWA/other training HERS/ST (FHWA)HERS/ST (FHWA) REMIREMI TransCAD (Caliper)TransCAD (Caliper) Statewide Traffic Forecasting (FHWA)Statewide Traffic Forecasting (FHWA)

MUG Meeting Details AttendanceAttendance Morning meetings ~ Morning meetings ~ Workshops ~ Workshops ~ different states including presenters from CA, FL, DC, TX and others different states including presenters from CA, FL, DC, TX and others Usually have KY, IN, OH, and WV. Usually have KY, IN, OH, and WV.

Conclusion KY MUG has served KYTC well. KY MUG has served KYTC well. InterdisciplinaryInterdisciplinary TrainingTraining SynergySynergy Win-winWin-win InnovativeInnovative KY MUG prototype for other data/analysis partnerships KY MUG prototype for other data/analysis partnerships FreightFreight Congestion PMsCongestion PMs

Contacts KYTC: KYTC: Rob Bostrom, Bostrom, Lynn Soporowski Soporowski Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!