Russell County Schools December 8, 2010 Pam Wilson
Explain the benefits of Clear Learning Targets. Write a clear learning target for a class you teach. 3
“Teachers who truly understand what they want their students to accomplish will almost surely be more instructionally successful than teachers whose understanding of hoped-for student accomplishments is murky.” -W. James Popham
Clear Learning Targets shift us away from what we, as teachers, are covering towards what our students are learning.
Task: Think about one of your classes that you will teach tomorrow. Think about one thing you want your students to know or be able to do by the end of that class tomorrow.
Learning Targets aka Content Standards Lesson Objectives Benchmarks Essential Questions Learning Intentions Learner Outcomes Expectations
Frayer Model Learning Target Definition NonexamplesExamples Facts/Characteristics Clear description of what is to be learned; Provides a clear vision of the ‘destination’ for student learning Measureable & attainable Focus on intended learning Focus on “ chunks” of a standard Clear, specific language congruent to standard Adding Fractions Do Exercise 3.7 on pg 148 Learning Activities Tasks Pre-Requisites Assessments I can add fractions with unlike denominators. I can identify key characteristics of a linear function and use them to create a graph.
A learning target can take from “five seconds to five weeks” depending on Complexity of the knowledge, skill, reasoning or product; Its overall importance in the curriculum Students – age, abilities, prior experience and cognitive development. 9
STANDARD LEARNING TARGETS STUDENT FRIENDLY TARGETS for teachers Plan & Deliver Assessments Instruction for learnersself-assess I can … I am learning to… Success criteria 10
“Students can hit any target they can see that holds still for them.” ~Rick Stiggins
Be posted daily for students to see Be discussed with students at the beginning of the lesson Be reviewed with students at the end of the lesson How do you know students reached the target? (formative assessment)
Is it really worth it? The answer is, “YES!”
Teacher Benefits WHAT to assess – instructional guide – keep focused. CLARITY in planning – look for instructional activities & strategies to help all students reach that specific target. Better BALANCE of “in depth” study vs. “just covering the material.” Know what your assessments REFLECT at a finer grain. Help to MAXIMIZE student achievement. OPPORTUNITY to work collaboratively with other teaching professionals.
Student Benefits Able focus on the aspect at hand and not get distracted by other things. Able to look at the posted target to remind themselves of what they are supposed to be doing. ~ Clark, 2001, pp
When Learning Targets are communicated with parents, they Know what’s happening in the classroom. Can focus on assisting their student in productive ways / locating resources. Understand what the grades mean in terms of what students have learned and have not learned. Talk specifically with students about their strengths and areas for improvement.
Learning Activities Learning Targets Assessment This triangle represents the relationship between learning targets, assessments and learning activities. If these three components are congruent, …they achieve an exact match with the Standard, then teaching and learning is enhanced. “Magic Triangle” Standard
Write a clear learning target for a class you teach. 1.Recall your class & 1 thing you will teach tomorrow. 2.What is it you want your student to know or to be able to do? 3. Create a student friendly target using I can… or I will be able to… 4.Write it down. 5.Post it in class on Thursday. 6.Refer to it at the beginning of the lesson. 7.Review it at the end of the lesson. 8.Assess it & Reflect.
Learning Targets in the Classroom View the video of Jessica Addison sharing how she uses Learning Targets in a high school math class 19 Teaching+and+Learning/Characteristics+of+Highly+Effective+Mathematics +Teaching+and+Learning.htm
Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot. ~ Robert Marzano 20