3 Famous Mathematicians By: Tiffany Setters
Al-Kindi He was born in 803 and died in 873 He lived in Iraq
Al-Kindi He was called Alkindus in the West He cannot be considered among the greatest of mathematicians, but was one of the most influential general scientists between Aristotle and Da Vinci.
Al-Kindi He wrote on diverse subjects, physics, astronomy, music, psychology, medicine, chemistry, and more. He invented pharmaceutical methods and perfumes.
Simon Stevin He was born in 1549 and died in 1620 He lived in Flanders, Holland
Simon Stevin He was one of the greatest practical scientists of the Late Middle Ages. He worked with Holland's dykes and windmills and was a military engineer
Simon Stevin He introduced decimal fractions to Europe and suggested a decimal metric system which was adopted 200 years later He is best known for the notion of real numbers
Simon Stevin
Dorothy Stone She was born in 1917 She lived in Parkersburg, West Virginia
Dorothy Stone Through her research and other activities, she earned a worldwide reputation as a truly outstanding mathematician. She made important contributions to measure theory
Dorothy Stone Her husband, Arthur Harold Stone was a British Mathematician Later on, her son and daughter became mathematicians also.
Dorothy Stone
Dorothy Stone husband and kids
Sources Google Google Images Fabpedigree.com