Overview (Part I, PowerPoint) KDE:OCTE:KOSSA:10/15/2013 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview (Part I, PowerPoint) KDE:OCTE:KOSSA:10/15/2013 1

 To provide information on required trainings in preparation for the administration of KOSSA  To provide a general overview and updates for Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA)  To provide information on currently available resources and resources that are under development 2

 All staff who administer, proctor or work with KOSSA testing in any capacity must view:  KOSSA PowerPoint trainings, located at:  Part I: Overview  Part II: Before the Test (will be posted at a later date)  Part III: Administering the Test (will be posted at a later date)  Part IV: After the Test (will be posted at a later date) 3

 All staff who administer, proctor or work with KOSSA testing in any capacity must view:  KDE’s Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training for Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment, located at:  A signature page shall be signed by each employee after the completion of training. These shall be retained on file by the school/district. 4

 What is KOSSA? ◦ Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards and Assessments (KOSSA) are used as a measure of technical skill attainment for federal Perkins accountability ◦ KOSSA is now included as a component of Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning assessment and accountability system ◦ KOSSA includes foundational academic, employability, and occupational specific skills as identified by business and industry 5

 July 2012 – Task Force of nearly 50 business and industry partners met to review standards  Identified common foundational academic and employability standards for all KOSSA areas  Occupational standards were updated but the changes were minimal  KOSSA standards are available on the KDE website ◦  KOSSA standards are also available in CIITS 6

 KOSSA Online scheduled to begin in 2014 ◦ Multiple Choice Questions ◦ Multiple Choice Scenario  Administrative Support performance component will remain a part of the assessment ◦ Information on the administration of this component will be available at a later date  Constructed Response Scenario will no longer be a part of the assessment 7

 Test Blueprint ◦ 120 multiple choice questions ◦ 20 questions will be linked to multiple choice scenarios ◦ 100 questions will be stand alone multiple choice items 8

 Multiple Choice Scenarios (MCSs) ◦ MCSs use situations to assess higher-order thinking such as application, analysis, and evaluation  A sample will be provided as a part of the online practice test in November ◦ Scenarios are presented and followed by a series of 3-8 multiple choice questions ◦ Assessments may include up to 6 scenarios ◦ The assessments will include scenarios based on the academic and employability standards only 9

 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) ◦ Assessments will include 100 stand alone MCQs  25 questions based on Academic Standards  25 questions based on Employability Standards  50 questions based on Occupational Standards 10

 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) ◦ Assessments will include 100 stand alone MCQs  25 questions based on Academic Standards  25 questions based on Employability Standards  50 questions based on Occupational Standards 11

 Identifying Students ◦ Senior Preparatory Students enrolled in programs where a KOSSA is available must take the KOSSA if they are not taking an approved industry certification ◦ Sophomore and Junior Preparatory Students who assess will not be included for accountability reporting until their senior year 12

 What is the definition of a preparatory student? ◦ A student who has completed two career and technical education credits in a preparatory program and is enrolled in the third credit course(s). 13

 Online practice tests will be available allowing students to practice using the online testing environment and experience samples of the multiple choice scenario and stand alone multiple choice test format ◦ More information will be provided in November  All schools must conduct an online practice session prior to the testing window to ensure system performance for your school ◦ More information will be provided in November 14

15  Use the Valid KOSSA and Industry Certification List to identify assessments associated with pathways. ◦  Students may only assess in areas as aligned on this list.

KOSSA Calendar Preparatory students must be identified in TEDS January 15, 2014 Administrative Support Performance Assessment Window February 1 – 28, 2014 (submitted to OCTE by March 5, 2014) KOSSA Testing WindowFebruary 1 – March 31, 2014 KOSSA Data ReleaseApril 16, 2014 (Tentative) 16

Your KOSSA Timeline View KOSSA PowerPoint TrainingsNovember - January Ensure CTE Curriculum is aligned to standards and standards are being taught Ongoing View KDE’s Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training November – January View KOSSA Test Administrator’s ManualDecember - January Conduct online practice testNovember – January Ensure preparatory students are enrolled in TEDS January 15, 2014 * Students must be identified in TEDS as Preparatory by this date in order to take the 2014 KOSSA 17

 All staff who administer, proctor or work with KOSSA testing in any capacity must view:  KOSSA Test Coordinators / Administrator’s Manual, located at:  The information provided in this document is supplemental to KDE’s Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training for Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment. This manual describes procedures that must be followed before, during, and after administration of the KOSSA. (will be posted at a later date) 18

19  KOSSA Frequently Asked Questions o  KOSSA Skill Standards Documents ◦  Career and Technical Education Program Area resources ◦  KOSSA Curriculum Alignment Documents ◦  KOSSA Online Practice Test ◦ Under development for release in mid-November

Please check the KDE, KOSSA web site for additional trainings and resources throughout this transition year to KOSSA Online KOSSA PowerPoint Training II will be posted mid-November 20

 Pamela Moore, Office of Career and Technical Education ◦ Address: ◦ Phone Number: (502) ext